
I found myself with a pretty good crush on Dro after this episode too. In show he's not only extremely attractive, he does a great job of being understanding and there for you. And in the wine down with Issa after show, it's obvious Sarunas J. Jackson is just as charming in real life.
I was also thinking the

While Bronn's Rickon/Dickon and "Didn't they teach you that in fancy lad school?" were the best of the night, I still found it ridiculous that Jaime and Bronn were the only two out of thousands to survive the burnination. And possibly Dickon.
It seemed really lazy—we like Bronn and Jaime, but not the Lannisters/Cercei

He did look familiar. While I respect Issa's plan and carrythrough to start the hooking up to move on, a neighbor isn't the best place to start.

Actually, they tipped their hand a bit too far. Nymeria is so obviously the one who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne it's not really worth watching the rest of the series.

Reminiscent of Jon's meeting with Mance where Mance eloquently describes giant Mag as blah blah blah last of his bloodline and Jon says "Grenn came from a farm".

Last season of Lost, yes. Last episode ruined it. The flash sideways interactions were some of the best between the characters, which is why I thought the last episode ruined them. The lame, single sentence explanation that they were in a place "that you all made together so that you could find one another" was

Oddly, as someone who went to high school in the mid 90s I never put together the game with the band Limp Bizkit. I'd always heard it as "dirty cookie".

Seriously, "charming", "sparkly", and "very athletically good looking" are not really my thing, but Theroux really sells it, with a vulnerable empathy that makes me believe he really cares.

As another commenter said, they really nailed the landing. I'm happy for Lindelof that with similar themes and emotions this ending felt emotionally and intellectually satisfying, with enough ambiguity to remain interesting.

Escape goat.

Clarity is for over-reaching documentaries. For all we know she's diving to counsel Kevin during his waterboarding quest.

He'll figure it out…probably.

I agree, letting your mediocre coding skills lapse for several years means you're barely a coder. Also, this show isn't real life—it's an absurdist comedy where such a guy becomes a Stanford guest lecturer who just shows movies in class and is respected. (Though, to be honest, I did prefer my high school teachers who

And within show logic, it points to a central theme. Is it fate/Jeebus or our interpretation of the cascade of events/willful individual decisions that cause these major actions?

I think the true answer is to give the baby twins weapons, hope cancer-curer wins out, and wash your hands of the situation.

Is anyone else having problems with the site loading and scrolling due to the constantly loading ads and videos?
I know I am with chrome on a Mac. I even tried using adblock2, but loading took even longer with that.
Firefox? Just me?

Do you mean Wu Tang Band?

My read on both phone calls were that she's 99.5% confident it is a scam, but her interest in it lies in the .5% chance it is true. The hope drives here interest, but she's skeptical, paractical, and isn't going to jump on in.

Honestly, I think part of the problem is that they are "reviewers" and explicitly not recappers, as if recapping is beneath them. Even in the best reviews, it's awkward when they refer to, and link previous episodes, but you can't necessarily remember the plot points from that episode, because there is no recap, only

Waow. This is exactly the sort of emotionally raw non-sensical type of piece that could get one a job teaching about writing for the Internet at a college upstate.