
So much copy for what's the matter with Kevin. All that needs to be said:
It's Kevin James, bitch.

It's a lightsaber.

He didn't even ask security guy if he wanted any Pringles.

I think this is most likely true, but they did film from far enough away that you couldn't really tell that the couple was Cisco and Darlene. It also looked like Darlene ducked before the shooting started.

Gives it that famed British sense of "humour".

Well, it depends upon what the meaning of the word is is.

Finally, a reasonable explanation for Pastor TIm's ridiculous hair.


But if you publish this article it gives you the opportunity to publish 10x thinkpieces about how people were body shamed because they were too skinny!

Thank you, I did miss "Mimi thinks Kimmy is a Jeff Koons sculpture of Ronald McDonald." and am so glad I know about it now.

Starting my spec script for "Greg and I are Being Passive Aggressive!" right now.

Sweater capes!

Yes, Abbi was naked in that scene and those of you overcorrecting the lighting in your mind missed it.

Is that what caught on? It figures.

I actually think Rodriguez's usual blank, smiling portrayal has been perfect for Josh. It was great the first couple episodes to wonder whether he was even a decent guy, or just some cute kid from camp she'd elevated in her mind to some Disney prince. Since then, he's had some nice moments of genuine kindness and

I would watch the hell out of a Rosa puppy shopping webseries.

and the Jake Johnsons desperately sad tone when he found the pepper spray, and demanded, "why didn't you use that one me?"

Aw, someone thinks Schmidt is "hip". Someone who also talks shidt about Schmidt's dancing.

After Elizabeth refuses, I hope they move on the the Culkin clan!

I'll always remember the words of the reviewer, likely on this very site, who proclaimed, "this truly is the second best Exotic Marigold Hotel".