Swarles Barkley

I think you’re reading a bit too much into word choice. “I believe” is just filler.

Look at his handle. Don’t engage this kind of person.

Conservatives may push this and find they get what they want - as has happened in Quebec and France - where banning the hijab also leads to banning of any external visible symbols including kippahs, crucifixes, etc.

It’s because all of their core beliefs are based on faith (because there’s zero evidence that they are true).

Someone is paying for the R&D and manufacturing of that vaccine

Please try reading the article before making stupid comments. Then eat shit and die.

The amount of the lost tax revenue from people not working for a month (or forever if they die!) due to this outbreak will exceed whatever the amount the vaccine would cost the government.

It’s weird how all the other first world nations manage this.

Maybe you should actually read the article. The author is saying that the cost should be covered by the government to protect the welfare of the population. I know reading is hard but you’re an eye surgeon so I’m sure you know someone that can help you get the proper prescription for corrective lenses.

I don’t want my employer determining how fucked I get to be by insurance companies.

Yes, paying for medicare for all is a thing.

If only somebody had thought to write an article explaining this to you

I agree with not price gouging but at the end of the day the scientists have house and car payments to make...where’s that money coming from?

For-profit healthcare -- putting a price tag on your health, well being, and state of mind. Because fuck you. Give us your money.

FUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!! This happened in my city. The guy who own the company is a piece of shit. On twitter yesterday not only did he make the “she’s 17" comment but he doubled-down and totally said that there was no big deal to the sticker and that “it’s funny.” His company is totally responsible for them.

SERIOUSLY. She didn’t even sink a SINGLE car! It’s like she’s not even trying.

That motherfucker’s never seen Gone With The Wind.

*smug high-pitched voice* “Just another reason to use Airbnb.

well technically they’ll all be in theatres across the country, just some will be in a lot fewer.