Swarles Barkley

There is no other rasonable take.

Compared to seasons 3, 4 and 5, seasons 1 and 2 of Doctor Who are pretty complete. 13.58% of the episodes of seasons 1 and 2 are missing, while a whopping 61.7% are missing from 3 through 5. Unfortunately, losses continue into season 6...

We don’t need any help making ourselves look stupid. We do it very well on our own, thank you very much.

I’ve owned this on so many different formats. VHS. Laserdisc. DVD. UHD Blu-Ray. I was so excited when I saw it was released in 4K, and PARTS of it look amazing. The shots that are all practical effects look so good. Unfortunately, the shots that are matte composites kind of fall apart in 4K, at least in the transfer I

What’s the step above excited? Because I’m that for this.

Yeah, but Lucy wore the hell out of it.

Compression artifacting was pretty terrible via HBO Now... It’s not my connection, that easily handles other streaming services just fine; Our Planet looks amazing on Netflix in all its 4K HDR glory. It amazes me that HBO isn’t giving GoT the same treatment...

Jesus Christ, does it matter if it was one tweet or fifty? Threatening someone and stalking all their social media accounts to the point they need to lock them down in the name of safety for something they post on Twitter is RIDICULOUS. 

I’ve done the train several times, and none of them were good experiences. I’ve done Rochester, NY to Rocky Mount, NC (the things we do when we’re young and in love). It took forever. I’ve also done the bus that route and it was even worse...

Except that is how we got here...

I starred this and then unstarred it so I could star it again.

I was all about the Sierra adventure games of the early ‘90s. Debate all you want about where they fit into the RPG spectrum, but I loved them wherever they fall.

Picture it, folks.

I don’t see how that’s really all that abstract of a thing to believe. We’re watching it happen before our eyes.


Agreed. I picked one during the Black Friday sales and have been very happy with it.

Agreed. I picked one during the Black Friday sales and have been very happy with it.

You’re not kidding there. I saw Obama speak at 2 campaign rallies leading up to the 2008 election. One was only about a week before the election. The events were electric. There was a palpable feeling of hope and excitement. After watching elections being stolen and the loser of the popular vote elected president in

Thank you for the video demonstration. My white brain had no idea what it meant.

This isn’t news I wanted to wake up to this morning....

I can’t say I’m seeing the same thing. I order a ton of stuff from Amazon. Has it been perfect? Of course not. That’s impossible. But the overwhelming majority (we’re easily talking 95%+ of the time) everything is fine. Almost everything I ordered this holiday season has been 2 days shipping, and those targets were