Sell me on Monster Hunter World. I rented it, ran around a bit and had no desire to do anything beyond return the disc.
Sell me on Monster Hunter World. I rented it, ran around a bit and had no desire to do anything beyond return the disc.
No one... gets a faster time?
In either case, it’s a logical fallacy which undermines the entire argument. Not only are they slippery slope fallacies, they’re just overall shitty arguments. Besides, homosexual pairings have been documented since Classical times. It’s not exactly breaking new ground. Hell, even pirates had a form common-law…
So, you’re using the same argument they use against gay marriage?
“If a man can marry a man, what’s next, a goat?” That seems like a sound, logical argument.
These people act like if it’s not a total reduction it’s not worth doing. It’s the same people engaging in constant whataboutism. They seem to think that because you can’t solve ALL of society’s problems that you shouldn’t try to even fix one.
Wasn’t Hay’s accoustic version featured (along with Hay himself playing it) on Scrubs?
While I agree it’s a good song, and it was originally recorded during his time with Men At Work, I don’t think Overkill really came into its own as a great song until Colin Hay did his solo acoustic recording of it.
Definitely a hot take. A really shitty one, but hot as well. Rollins has seen some shit that would make a lot of people’s hair go grey, he knows what he’s talking about.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you could have just stood on top of stuff like burnt out cars and shot mobs. That counts as “in mid-air.”
“You have to go through all these hurdles, like if you pick up a player, is the press gonna call it a PR stunt, or is it because she was the best?” said Outlaws general manager Matt Rodriguez.
Did not expect a Burzum reference in a story about a White House senior policy advisor, but fuck it, it certainly fits.
I was never in any top level guild in any game, but I knew that things got stupid crazy when things came to a head after sleeping with the GM’s ex-girlfriend who had flown across the country for a guild meet-up...
Have you seen how alcohol and tobacco companies target advertising in lower socio-economic areas? And that’s not even counting the advertising targetted at minority groups.
Why is there not an “alphabetical” sort option? I still can’t figure out why 2 items with the same name almost never sort next to each other, regardless of the sort mode selected.
I only got through 11 packages (I only played IB the final weekend, and I’m terrible a PvP), but I got a TON of weapons. Doubles (at least) of most of them (other than the auto rifle), but only 2 IB armor pieces... Why regular loot table items could drop in IB is beyond me. We already have that stuff coming out of our…
I turn 40 in a couple weeks, and I now feel much better about that fact
Maybe someone knows:
Maybe someone knows:
That would be Pinkham’s Law.
Yes, you’re grandfathered in. Unfortunately, with that account, you can’t use things like Family Groups (so you can’t get a Google Music Family subscription if you desired), Project Fi, and I’ve heard that the Google Home device doesn’t play nice unless you have a “standard” free account.
Thanks Obama...