
Not by me! Z wrote just for you!

Please see article no. 11 published earlier today, Monday May 30 at Noon.

Yes. You stooge.

I played and finished Kirby TD. That's it. I win.

Haha. Or just him because he’s giant. Seriously. He’s giant.

Ben will buy 2. Size 30.

I will not be shamed! Mushroom caps on the grill all day every day!!!!


Scary Saturday Morning cartoon viewing!



... You guys are burgists.

And P2 has regular headphones and a remote control.

I have veggie burgers for this Memorial Weekend. Where do I fall in the response time?

yes. yes I did. *shameface*

Teach me how to Furby is one of the greatest things you ever gifted us.

Just gonna jump in here and say that by the time this thread is done, you will probably have a good enough sample population to prove or disprove your theory here, friend.

I don't even know how I could have forgotten this for your profile. Perhaps I wanted to.

I swear to Velveeta, there’s never a day I don’t learn something about your ambitions in life.

And Linzer cookies. Mmmmm