
Did you read "Heart-Shaped Box?"

Did you read "Heart-Shaped Box?"

Sometimes (read: all the times) I wonder what is your life?

*note to get GBD to up the Secret SanTAY cap to 80USD before tax*

Haha! I love how you are all smirk face and Lopez is not having it. He’s all “B, you better put my stuff back. Don’t let me have to use these Antlers on you! ಠ_ಠ ”


Are we taking bets? I think it’s Tina!

SupEv may not know movies but he knows some photoshop. Amazeging.



Nach, your new avatar is confusing me.

we all have that one thing that we feel wrong but strong about. This is yours.

this is perfect.

Oh hi! Yes, yes, very interesting. Seems you're an expert in sucky opinions.

naw, mang. That shizz is the devil for me. Like The Sims. Get away Satan!

play Tetris. This will never happen to you. Those little blocks always surprise me when I play on blind mode. XD

This is a prime example why you should be given authorship for GT.

I won't lie. I'm really disappointed that you don't have one.

"You're gonna love my nuts." That was what sold me on the slap chop. True story.

Stop trying to make the news boring.

Suuuureee. It's funny.