I still remember Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin’? fondly.
I still remember Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin’? fondly.
I started the series with 2 after my cousin relentlessly badgered me into buying it. Gameplay was fun enough. Story was Space Fallout written by a teenage edgelord. Ugh.
Turning this into a live action movie instead of an animated show (or movie) makes absolutely ZERO sense to me, but I’ve long grown tired of the IP anyway.
I watched a Let’s Play by a dudebro called Candyman something-or-other who usually played COD. He went through the emotional arc of the main character, feeling the same things at the same times. It was impressive how well it predicted what he would think and feel.
Yeah, just seems r’tarded to do a license deal that only lasts x years. It’s either forever or find something else.
It’s $6 on GOG, so if you don’t want to pirate the game it’s being sold at a very reasonable price, and since it’s GOG the installer can be backed up to an external drive.
I didn’t remember if I bought the game on Steam or if I will now need to pirate it, so I had to check. Looks like I’m sailing some seas.
This game has the best narrative of any shooter. Ever.
So I’ve been someone who felt like the accusations of scam (at least in the malicious, planned out sense) were hyperbolic and this was more a case of wild incompetence and trying to punch way too far above one’s weight. Still ends up a scam but more of one that comes from being too proud to admit defeat rather than ‘th…
The problem isn’t that people don’t “[set] out to make a bad game,” it is that they specifically put out a completely fake bullshot trailer, lied about the game that they were making (repeatedly), and delivered a game that looked different (absolutely worse) than any of their previous materials in a different genre…
Ceasing operations is a good way to not be on the hook for refunds, at least I assume that’s the case? Either way, I saw a pretty well researched video about the devs of this a long time ago, and even then it was clear there was some kind of grifting going on. I had no idea this game existed before I saw said video:
I think that’s part of it, people on PC are also desperate for something to go up against DayZ and thought this could be it.
12/7 wait, this game exists?
The day before launch: It’s not a scam! We haven’t sold anything!
It’s as said somewhere else: This is probably going to be a trend - another corporate-investor grift where all the blame goes to the devs under dehumanizing conditions to get the game out only to get laid off regardless of its performance. We have companies called Game Mill now, think about that.
How/why did this thing gather so much hype in the first place? People truly saw a derivative of The Last of Us/Division 2 from an unknown/sketchy studio and thought: “Game of the Year!”?
I gave it a week but it was less than that which is wild.
Well, that’s suspicious.