
To Aaron Sorkin, the world IS an Aaron Sorkin show.

I am still holding out for Will to immolate himself live on the air to a mash-up of "A Man's World" and "All About That Bass".

Here in NYC - where cigarettes are approximately $328.56 per pack and are issued with a 12 person "shame chorus" whose only job is to follow you around and tell you how horrible it is that you smoke, to constantly cite statistics about lung cancer and flash photos of people missing limbs due to having once sat near a

I love...Lorde.

I'm not a Giants fan, but I watched some of that game last night and wondered, "Are they simply refusing to try any of the things that have worked against the Colts D out of spite?" It was just amazing watching them. The Steelers racked up 639 on that Colts D using bunch formations and the Giants acted like they were

The opening volley in this war is a stealth campaign to hit the children where they live and get them to associate penises - in particular brown penises - with candy! IT'S THE GAY AGENDA!

If Blount's foot had caught and his knee been blown out, Suggs would have been fined and suspended. But since he wasn't hurt, no harm no foul.

Curious that the Lena Dunham comments are all in the greys. Imagine how you would handle this if she was someone you didn't love and adore. Now be serious. Imagine those revelations coming out about someone you despised, like say someone from National Review or Fox News. But Jezebel's just a blog, right? There's no

You're a little late to the party, but still...no, fuck off.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT! Just fucking wait.

Brilliant! Regardless of gender or nationality it's Ebola Tim. Thank you for handling this for all of us. It's a weight off the world's shoulders.

I am 99.7% sure that reading this gave me the ebolas. WHY DO YOU HATE ME, ERIN?

It's quite possible that she believes him innocent or blames the child in question. I have seen people in similar situations blame children as young as that for "seducing" the older man. Humanity never fails to disappoint me.

THANK YOU, Erin, for putting the blame for this squarely where it belongs: on the Clairol Natural Instincts 20RB Bright Auburn head of that psychotic.

Yeah, remember that time Jezebel's commenters went apeshit over Frances McDormand trying to argue that people don't need to cut themselves up to conform to Hollywood's idea of what beauty should be? Yeah, that was cool.

Doesn't matter how many times I see it, I will always read her name as "Anal" on first glance. Always.

That's why I insisted that my wife have a completely natural, drug-free c-section.

Creating a room that's a time capsule/shrine to that time in their lives stocked with mementos and items from then and using a RealDoll as Hillary to act out the best times of their relationship? That's be creepier...wouldn't it?

But you still want to marry a round American woman, chess?

Now all I can hear is Mr. Wu yelling "San Francisco cocksucker!"