Adele has never choked in her life. That woman has absolutely NO gag reflex. None.
Adele has never choked in her life. That woman has absolutely NO gag reflex. None.
Oh, it's hard all right, Kara. I'm no fucking John Schindler, baby. You want it? You GOT it, girl!
Hi, Kate. Are you sure this is the way you want to go?
Thank you. I don't know if you'll come back to read the comments on this, but if you do I hope you'll see how many people are heartened by you coming forward. It means a lot.
I read this as "deepthroating" and thought, "Oh, Callie,,"
Burn it to the ground with the employees inside.
Hillary will not be the nominee. Elizabeth Warren will be.
OMG, this is so typical of you whores to get all bent outta shape when someone calls you out on your whoringly whorish ways and points out that God-given fact that whores ruin America. IT'S IN THE BIBLE!
"Her devotion to causes that I happen to care about only happens to deepen my dislike."
Is t-girl ok or no? What about transwoman (and if that's what does it refer and how can I avoid confusing it with transman)?
Show of hands: who is shocked by Jonah's behavior? I mean he has always seemed like such a classy, respectful and decent fellow, right?
This. This right here is why I stay in the shadows. Biding my time. Awaiting the moment when my power will outstrip those magpies that would use my own words against me! Plus, I have no real hope of fame.
I was sitting here wondering, "What the fuck were they doing in West by God?"
Or, y'know, don't spend the better part of a LD relationship begging for something to be done and then be all, "Oh, you actually want to DO that? Oh, well, ok, but...sigh fine. We'll do the thing that I told you I LOVE doing and begged you to do, but later I am going to say that I hated it, was disgusted by it and…
This call has been taken up by the International Association of Altar Boys who issued a one word statement of, "Duh."
Three words to this: Rachel Fucking Ward!
It's...not...Ringo Starr?
During my sophomore year of college my then girlfriend called me at work in the theatre department scenic shop where I worked to ask me a favor: would I take her friend to prom?
I would fuck Meryl six ways to Sunday.