
No, please don’t blame those of us with digestive ailments for this crap (no pun intended). As someone who survived C-diff and was left with IBS as a kid, I have yet to ever poop on a public floor or fling my excrement. It’s an admittedly low bar, but I’ve managed to cross it.

I feel bad for the young worker, who must now be referred to as a poo-teen.

Fact: You can rearrange TIM HORTON’S to spell Shit T. Moron.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

This is horrible & good for Eliza Dushku for coming forward with this story.

Look at Me has probably scarred so many people at this point. It’s the equivalent of that old Dave Barry article about snakes in toilets, for me. Now I can’t sit on a toilet without being nervous about getting my ass bit by a snake AND I can’t wear headphones with my back to a door. GREAT.

I think the consensus is that he got them from Hardhome Depot

Somebody hungry for a knuckle sandwich and a bottle of punch?

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

Can I just ask was anyone really surprised that Whedon wasn’t the feminist hero he was turned into?

Because the Dirty on my keyboard is my dirt, where the dirt on a public toilet is some other dirty hobo’s dirt.

Speaking as someone who used to dispatch:

Hazard files (unless they use a vastly different system/terminology than we did) are files that display information when you punch in a person’s information or an address that could be officer safety issues. What it means is that, at some point, an officer responding to a call

Well sure, but that’s not why I am sad about the lack of Alan Rickman in this upcoming movie.

I miss him everyday but there is nothing to miss about his character here.

Yeah, what’s the fucking point without him, really? I’m glad they were smart enough to bail on the idea of a Galaxy Quest sequel without him at least.

The Ghost of Robert Stack is needed to deal with this.

My mother always called her Genevieve Goiter

I had to stop watching HGTV with the Missus because every time one of these fixer-upper shows would convince someone to plunk down cash to fix up a junker and then run into “unexpected problems” (OH NO THIS SHITTY HOUSE IS SHITTY HOW COULD HAVE FORSEEN?!?!?!? 10 THOUSAND DOLLARS PLEEZE) it would really piss me off.