swan ate my baby

She is just awful but I think that’s the point: entitled, whiny, affluent white gal who has no idea what she should really be afraid of in this world who, when scared, quickly devolves into everything she said she once hated. I feel like it’s maybe a cautionary tale at this point: Murphy is saying, “Okay libs, have

If you can hang in there, it gets better. The last episode really hit home for me about hating the country and what it’s become. Yes, at times it’s overhanded and bombastic and a little silly and Sarah Paulson’s character is completely unlikable, but if you can shut off your brain for a second it’s not bad.

It’s Evan Peters, not Peterson.

You have a “very high IQ” and you don’t know they difference between “personal” and “personnel”?

Yeah, but this comes from a guy who sprang from the loins of a monster who advocated grabbing women by the pussy. So I’m not sure what he’s so excited about; he was literally borne and raised by misogyny. Who is he to gloat?

Because he’s proud of murdering a child and doesn’t care who knows it. That’s the kind of person he is: one made of rotting meat, horse shit, herpes, dog vomit, scalp flakes, and putrified pig bits.

It’s the inbreeding.

LOL these fucking inbred pieces of shit.

Someone is going to kill George Zimmerman one day. Either in public or in prison after he gets arrested for something else and actually convicted the second time around. He’s dumb enough to keep his face out in the media because he’s actually proud of what he’s done and doesn’t care who knows it. At least Casey

This stuff gives her something to write about. It’s her bread and butter.

That was my first thought. Wanted to comment on his IG account, but then didn’t have the energy to care enough about what he does or says.

No really, you think she’s not going to run with this? She loves it when people attack her for being a fat feminist. It’s literally all she ever talks about. And this wasn’t just any old asshole, it was a “women’s interest” columnist. She’s going to crucify him for this.

Lindy lives for this. She’ll be just fine.

Muscle tees are best worn by men who have muscles. Not hot dog buns where their muscles should be.

I’m sure that’s true too. Water finds its own level.

It could be argued that if no one was ever “picking” her, it had nothing to do with her appearance and everything to do with her horrible personality. It’s not like she was ever homely. Something else was turning people off.

If men were never picking her, I’m going to bet it had nothing to do with her beauty and everything to do with her horrible personality.

I feel like any service person will relate to this. Or maybe just the slutty ones like me. Hospitality is boring and thankless. Sleeping with your coworkers while they’re also sleeping with more of your coworkers is the only way to make things interesting.

I think the garters are a little much, if only because they’d actually make the costumes more constricting. Other than that, it’s fine.