
Damn liberal fact checkers!! FAILED Starfleet keeps building new Enterprises because of incompetent leadership blowing up the ones they already have. I’m going to build a wall along the Neutral Zone and make the Romulans pay for it. #MakeStarfleetGreatAgain

We used the best protomatter in Genesis, really, people are telling me it’s the best they’ve ever seen. We’re gonna make the Mutara Nebula so great, it’s unbelievable!

Atredis/Stilgar 2016 The Spice Must Flow

I sent investigators to Hawaii to look into reports that Martok was not born on Kronos, and you won’t believe what they are finding.  

Sorry, buddy, I’m not a libertarian. I’m a city-dwelling liberal in one of the bluest states in the country. I was just raised not to trust the US government.

Because of that time he wouldn’t let his wife talk at the DNC

Finally, a politician even Dan Quayle can make “dumbass” jokes about…

I couldn’t tell you my neighbor’s name either.

Decades of many people wanting the federal government to do something, whatever that something is, leads me to believe that we give lip service to libertarianism...but we really aren’t libertarians.

If that was true the party and its candidates wouldn’t be the fucking joke it is now.

You mean he couldn’t even identify Gowron as the leader of the Klingon High Council? 

This guy was governor of a state that borders Mexico.

No, it’s just hard for any rational, critically thinking human being to have anything but contempt and dismay for this blithering idiot of a presidential candidate.

In hindsight, this comparison is totally unfair to Vincent Adultman.

Just so we’re clear, you are not denying my sex appeal though, right?

What if my least favorite ice cream flavor is bloody diarrhea flavor? I think that was Baskin Robbins 32nd flavor that they cut for whatever reason. I’m not saying it’s a terrible flavor, but you really have to be in the mood for it.

Sexy people?

Listen, you have two different sociopaths debating each other. Trump is a clear psychopath/megalomaniac who is incapable of taking advice, because no matter what is said to him, he will follow his own instincts.

Now playing

You got it, Mr. Trump. You dominated the debate. It was hilarious how that woman thought that she was scoring points. You repeated “Wrong!” each time! These fancypants debate coaches are wasting their time with “rebuttals” or “counterarguments”.

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Or in this case you can’t teach a man with the skin of an old 7/11 hot dog new tricks.