Prederick! GWJ Prederick?
Prederick! GWJ Prederick?
I doubt he’d ever want to play for the B’s & I wouldn’t blame him ,(Bruins fan here also & I was embarrassed by his treatment)
Same thing in CT. The hypocrisy is stunning to the mind.
Leave Marty alone, you bastard!
I guess it’s finally time to give up on him in my keeper League
Corporations.... After 23 years as a cop I went to work for Travelers Insurance doing investigations. 6 years later I was like a whipped dog and looking for any way out.... I have survivors guilt over having left good friends there to work for those automoton utterly devoid of humanistic thought cockgobbling…
I believe there was also a quote that no one was “as good at the military” as well...
That’s on you, dogface. Next time get born into a privileged family, marry the daughter of a grifting megalomaniac billionaire, and get put in charge of a military operation!
Read the first couple of hundred pages of Rise & Fall of the Third Reich.... Gotta keep the goons braying to drown out dissent...
Oh, you beautiful bastard, you. +1
I...... wept...
Mr. Trump?
Bravo, good sir.
The scary thing to me is that the rapid hicks tbat show up to his rally in Fla and god knows how many others tnink he “won” that press conference. Against the free press. Which they see as the enemy. That scares and depresses me.
No. Fake News. He SAID he wasn’t ranting & raving, but having fun. 0 _o
The JewBlacks even biglyier.
“Well said. You that when the Patriots go down there Trump is going to mention that some of the players skipped. He’s a weak-minded idiot that he can’t stand it when he isn’t loved by everyone.”. .... Or, in the parlance of our time... “ A narcisist douchebag”..
Not a single Trump supporter will care about your fake news. Not until long after it is far too late.