
“I’m voting for him just so he goes away”

Are you brain damaged? You don’t vote for someone you want to go away. My apologies if you actually are brain damaged. Otherwise, smarten the fuck up.

It’s not like the British because of the electoral college, dumbass.

The nihilistic side of me agrees

Stop being fucking dumb. Go look at the electoral college map, then realize how out of touch with reality you are. Also, if you support fascism. You are a fascist.

Why on Earth do you think voting for him would make him go away?

George Constanza-style.

Voting for war crimes out of fatigue is chill, but slightly off color jokes? GTFO!

I used the same strategy to get my first serious girlfriend to sleep with me.

You mean Friday morning lamb shanks are your shit.

He’s not your gyro, Buddig!

Chiefs: #Greatgooglymoogly

LOL #KeepPounding

Papa Johns is such a turncoat.

Is Seattle trying to attract the NAMBLA crowd?

Yeah, but it doesn’t melt Steeler beams.


Leave it to Washington to spell Hitler wrong.

I don’t see a puckered anus for Goodell?