
That hairline keeps getting better and better.

I love that you talk to us pseudo-critics and provide explanation or extra commentary to the episodes. Thank you :)

Flashback of losing "most musically inclined" flooded my heart/brain/body. Those yearbook superlatives were everything.
And congrats, Goldbergs, you reached the cringe-level of me pausing the episode and stating "cannot watch… cannot watch" right before the fake cake. Science teachers have it rough, man.

The framing of that shot was also incredible. The whole dinner scene from beginning to end was well done.

That last scene made me feel unclean. So. Gross.

It might be a sign of my youth but I emitted a Ron Swanson giggle when they paired Garry's moment with "All My Life." Bliss: achieved.

in productions I've seen, they're never on stage together except for "The Next 10 Minutes" which I guess is the crossover that is being referred to. I usually found it more effective to empathize with each character without the other one physically there so I wonder if that's why Jesse leans heavily toward Cathy

I'm not a medical expert, but Jim Gordon must have missed the day in training when you learn that someone having a seizure should be turned on their side…?

Ray is sublime, Desi is disgusting… and so is Marnie. Fuck Marnie, I was just starting to like her again.

So glad it wasn't. Top Resting Bitch Face continues!

Hopefully he took Barbara with him.

Goddamn, this show is absolutely perfect.

That shot of Philip while Elizabeth and Gabriel talking was perfect. I know you and I are on the Rectify-train, this is another show that does cinematography so so well that it sneaks up on you with how powerful those shots can be.

Yeah I have mixed feelings, mostly because I'm like 90% of the world and believe my taste in music is superior to everyone else's but this pop-auto-tuned garbage needs to end. And end soon.

Who ARE half of these groups?

I share his love for Keri Russell's hair. It makes me happy, too.

Ray and Adam are MVPs of this show. One of my favorite episodes is of the one with them and the dog on Staten Island. I could watch an entire season of that shit.

It could very well be the editing but I never considered Melissa anything other than milquetoast and boring. She seems sweet and her food looks aight. I don't love her and I don't hate her, she's just there.

The little "oops we tricked you to stop fast-forwarding because this only lasts for 45 seconds" bit was highly entertaining, as Mei is the best and also has resting-bitch-face to a level that I will never achieve. Also, her "I'm going to get fucking WASTED" reaction to winning the Napa prize was perfection. Do they

I always wanted it to be Cup (Cupimus?) to be the leader, what a crotchety, old bastard… however, he's my favorite crotchety, old bastard.