
Just re-watched Blade Runner the other night, so his face was sharply in my brain… I wasn't sure it was him until I was paying enough attention to look it up afterwards!

I cannot be the only one who got the creepy-vibe from Riley? He's tiny and cute but also might murder all the other kids with a butter knife one day out of the blue…

They didn't even do a "nice job, Gregory" in the show. If you watch it again, they don't say ANYTHING to him when he comes to the table. Sure it might've been edited out, but it would've given a small sliver of nuance. I know we're going for Bravo-drama, but come the fuck on. It's pretty obvious all the judges are

She's clearly the best one (personality and skill). If Gregory comes roaring back to life, it'll be a good finale, but otherwise I think she has it all wrapped up.

No Alice, no chance.

The glory seasons of TC are behind us, Blais and the Voltaggio seasons were the pinnacle of reality-show cooking and packed with talent. Mei and Gregory are clearly the front-runners and I don't think anyone else comes close. I enjoy Adam (spicy pasta FTW!), but if those two don't end up on the final, something went

Loved it! Quickly becoming a must watch on Wednesdays for me and Mr.Swamps! Highlights for me were the "hand-to-gland contact" line (and the reactions in the first scene), shirtlessness, and the twins. Adorable.
I can understand the want for this to focus more on the racial aspect but I think sprinkling in a little

I could watch Bev's roller skate choreography for days. I hope there are some good outtakes that get released after this season!

Yeah my mind was kind of blown with that comment, but I just chalked it up to being in the 80s, and also the fact that I'm from DE and you couldn't buy ANYTHING outside of the designated store.

Hoagies? Wawa? Hoagies and Wawa? Wawa and Hoagies!
I love you even more now, The Goldbergs.

I enjoyed the twist that the other endpoint of the mission was due to Coulson's awareness of how not-OK Fitz is, and how it was hidden from the audience until the very end… unless I'm just not very astute. Should've been a B+ with the knowledge that the writing for dialogue with this show will never be great.

Agreed. Good bones, some of the campier stuff worked, Jada and Donal will carry this show for sure.

and just those characters, with Fet and Set? I'd tune in.

Vampire BlackOps returns next week!

I can't be the only one who wants to hang out with Fet and a strobe light/fog machine/tunes, right?

I'm excited that he's actually, you know, going to fess-up to letting the coffin through!

Corey Stoll's head needs to "Gone Smooth" amirite???
The highlight of this episode for me, outside of the penis-flush, was the opening scene. Kind of creepy, a bit fun, and the material didn't treat the audience like we were stupid! Progress(?)!

- Patty is kind of crazy
- Jill and friend continue to be useless
- Mayor is starting to swing her ladyballs… I like
- This episode was enjoyable!
- This review… the fuck?

Welcome to the Rectify club! We are some passionate people 'round these parts, but also some of the nicest. I tend to think that we are the deep-thinkers and people who appreciate finer cinematography.

Things I hate watch: The Newsroom, Scandal, and currently Tyrant but I feel like there's a worthwhile show somewhere deep down in there. It's cathartic to yell at the shitty writing and people you can't stand after bad days at work.