
The Goldbergs are CRUSHING it this season.
Rugelach is vastly under-appreciated; Pops is my Goldberg MVP.

No Zack PLUS no Palmer/Coco nonsense made this an enjoyable episode.

“Did I have sexual intercourse with two women under the age of 18? Repeatedly”

I have immensely enjoyed this series, might need to just read the book to experience it all over again and then some. This was pure fun and tremendously executed. Very sad that it'll be over this weekend :(

The more the show shifts from Eliot, the less interesting it becomes. I understand the world-building and development that needs to come, but his interactions, his thought process, his wayyy unreliable POV (and manifestation of Mr. Robot - that dude is not a real, physical being) are the most compelling parts of the

my big questions are: were these mutants around in 2014? what preempted them to build this town? was the world going to shit, long before 2014? was this just a crazy hypothesis (devolution of homo sapiens) that turned out to be true? what about other countries!? can these things swim to Europe or Asia?

I think it's partially the noises that he makes/are added by the effects people. It's really gross.

I was shocked at how affected I was by Betty's diagnosis. I thought I disliked the character much more than I actually do. The letter to Sally started so typically-Betty: vain, petty, superficial (although I guess how you look when you're laid to rest isn't a small thing, unless you're cremated or turned into a tree

This season has had a ton of moments of me not being able to breathe/clawing at my face: suitcase, tooth extraction, Martha, rubber-necking, getting shot in the eye and NOT dying until you get strangled, and now this reveal. When Paige's realization of her parents' relationship with Stan fully hit her, I thought it

My small, Chinese mom had the same reaction as Jessica with the "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU SEE A WILD ANIMAL!" :(
When I watched Outbreak for the first time, I was 9 years old and pretty much scared for life when Cuba Gooding Jr. vom'd in his suit and (spoiler) Kevin Spacey died terribly.

She has become my favorite. Her entrance in the flashback was so badass!

You're right. Or I could've just said "fight." Regardless, there was too little of it. MORE PLEASE.

Great network television cat fight, or greatest network television cat fight?

It's good, but their earlier stuff is still the best. Seeds seems to have a broader audience appeal, which has allowed Mr. Swamps to finally give them a shot (and really like them). Finally.
I'm pretty partial to Dear Science and Nine Types of Light. But TVOTR has never put out a shit record and they deserve to be

I am half-chinese. When I was in 3rd grade, there was a new girl that came to the school (directly from China), a grade behind me, and the administration thought that sticking her with me throughout the day for 2 straight weeks would help her assimilate. This girl, very sweet, did not speak a word of English (I

I enjoyed Eddie's various ideas of breakfast in bed: cereal still in the box, bananas, and a carton of eggs with a loaf of bread.

2nd wife, Jackie, aka Bert's mom

she was one of the best parts of Trophy Wife, R.I.P.

- "Well well well, looks like the worm is on the other foot." Troy Gentile's line delivery continually kills me.
- If you're not belting out "Alone" whenever it comes on, you're not living life the right way.
- Adam: what the eff was that doll your mom got you? It was a little grainy but it looked like straight-up

The scene with Kerwin was soul-crushing. That, to me, was when Rectify landed into the category of incredible tv.