
So theoretically, a KKK rally could take place at a public school? That’s mind-blowing to me, though I completely get why those laws exist.

Yep, I just finished reading “The Gift of Fear” (about how our instincts protect us from danger) and I kept thinking back to it as I wrote my great-aunt’s account out. EVERYONE was uncomfortable with this guy, yet no one put a stop to him calling and coming over. It infuriates me, but I’ve opted for politeness over

Nope, can’t cite a thing. I don’t even believe he murdered (or let’s be honest, probably even knew) Elizabeth Short. The details don’t add up, like you say.

The submissions about ghosts give me the fun kind of willies. The ones about actual people--those are the ones that stick with me when I’m walking home late at night.

Right?! That detail creeps me out too. It’s just a weird level of deceit, and a lot of trouble to go to if you don’t have a significant reason. [shudder] 

I’d heard mumblings growing up of a strange incident involving my family and a famous murder, but my grandma refused to discuss it and I knew better than to ask around. After my great-aunt died and left behind 200 pages of memoirs, I finally got the full story.

As a fellow NOVA resident, I’m starring your comment so hard. My SO and I don’t have kids, but we do have nieces and nephews, and my SIL has accrued massive debt putting them in sports, dance classes, and music lessons, not to mention outfitting them for each. The pressure to keep up socially has a huge financial