Rald Bloodaxe

Putting your life on the line and schvitzing like a schmendrick!!! You da man.

“The trade war between the U.S. and China, a dramatically mismanaged fiasco orchestrated by President Trump...”

Nein, the big difference is that one is a fine German machine and the other is a piece of crap.

Audi has been evolving the same design language since the early 2000's. That Hyundai went with a big grill doesn’t somehow wrap around to Audi somehow copying Hyundai.

I could do 90%+ of my trips electrically with 25 miles range. If I gave a shit, that is.

with the rampside?

I think the “Sacre Blue Edition” should be a thing. 

Also makes a perfect Mojito

I heard it also shelters underprivileged youth and cures cancer! #goodguytesla

Spoiler alert:

maybe it will be something like this:

So when do they plan to make a car that can keep up with a Porsche? Or at least crack 8 min on the Nurburgring?

It has to be that big. Twice a year I tow a 12-foot travel trailer. 

I find it to be a pretty handsome little car. Better looking than the (admittedly much-improved) Leaf, and infinantly better than the rolling bar of soap known as the Model 3.

A proper ratio of dick-to-balls is important.

Well I’m a straight guy, but don’t see being called gay as an insult. I just thought it was funny, and clever!

I mean, the rear of this looks more ‘Corvette’ than the new Corvette does...

This or five C8s plus change?

CP for making me maths commie units to freedom units every time I drive.

Tesla claims its drive train has “fewer than 20" moving parts.”  Hell, my 2000 Durango often had ZERO moving parts.