
Ok? I mean, I think that makes you a gigantic nimrod but congrats all the same. 

By Republicans, sure. But Obama fans were all “Look at how cool Obama is, forcing the guy who got racially profiled to have a beer with the shithead cop who arrested him”. 

Obama wouldn’t have done this, though. There’s the difference. He wouldn’t be continuing a shutdown, he wouldn’t schedule a team visit during a shutdown, and if the team had already been scheduled to visit before a shutdown started, he still would have made sure the food was kept at the proper temperature. 

Just like Trump acts like what a dumb person thinks a rich guy is like, this move is all about what rich people think poor people will like.

When you (correctly) claim that you could stand in the middle of an avenue and shoot someone and not lose voters, there is no such thing as good or bad politics.

This is one of the few times where the “if Obama did it” card plays both ways. (Yes, Trump is the biggest moron on the planet and everything he says and does is dumb and absurd) But it President Obama had done this all us liberals would be hooting and hollering and saying shit like “god damn, Obama is a real one”

Yup, here’s an example of “stop being so ELITIST!!1!1!!!1!”

Except that this supposedly savvy political move necessarily has to involve a group of people who have a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the WH and meet a president as a result of years of hard work. The political value of this charade wouldn’t even occur to most normal people because anyone with a wisp of a

Cool story. 

Well, I mean, there was that pickup driving guy in Houston who pulled his gun and killed a 7 year old black girl and wounded her mother in a drive by, apparently provoked by their race.

Rubicon (You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means)

Okay, Norman going up against an OL who is still wearing his helmet is a world class “Hold me back!” moment. He might as well try to fight a car.

Taylor Lewan is basically the schoolyard bully your whole town despised growing up, but he went on to achieve his wildest dreams of fortune and glory instead of going to prison for selling meth.

Taylor Lewan texted the sexual assault victim of former UM teammate Brandon Gibbons and told her he would rape her if she went to police.

Whoa, kinda feel like the whole "Lewan threatened to rape a victim" thing needed to be higher up... 

It’s a fairly new stipulation that it be attatched, I believe since last year.

Looking at the multiple articles popping up about this all over, the excuse the official is using is that the hair covering didn’t physically attach to the headgear. I clearly don’t know a billionth of what you know about wrestling, but everything I’ve read brings up your point that if there was an issue this

Oh, this is some fishy shit.

This is beyond fucked up. I wrestled for *years* in the mid-Atlantic and south and have known people to do disgusting things to have a slight psychological advantage, including but not limited to 1) not showering for a week to be smelly and slippery during a tournament, 2) giving an opponent an “oil change” (thumb in