
You just described what these two depraved morons do on a Saturday night.

I got spanked and still rejected conservatism. Corporal punishment is child abuse. No ifs, ands or buts.

Sorry/not sorry.

Why did I read this? 🤢🤮

a “sinking swamp” of “parasites” with “illicit dreams and schemes.”

Yikes... That picture!

Made the mistake of looking at the picture again. The whole family still looks like the portrait in a haunted house that’s about to start moving and reaching its clawed hands out for you.

I wonder why they pushed her down the stairs? An open window or balcony “fall” would have been messier but harder to trace. I guess ricin and polonium were too obvious.

I remember a quote from Ivana to the effect that after the kids turned 16 (18?) she turned them over to Donald to finish raising.

Don Jr. is a very odd person. Do you think he asks Kimberly Guilfoyle to spank him with a wooden spoon “like mommy did”?!  Big old snort of coke and “SPANK ME MOMMY!”  

Counterpoint: All Cops Are Bastards

As a first responder I <3 you Bradley. I don’t think you hate us.

This guy gets it, while others get triggered before thinking.

without revealing your bias towards first responders.

Indeed. The irony of this hillbilly trash is not missed. I grew up in a rural area and the number of “respect the law” rednecks getting arrested for DUIs, hunting out of season/without license, pot arrests, punching some rando at a bar for not liking the right football team, etc. were plentiful. These dumb shits need…

I don’t understand why the “thin blue line” decal mention was necessary. You could’ve just said MAGA sticker or confederate flag sticker

For me personally, I see the connection. In my area, if someone is in a giant pickup rolling coal. 9/10 it either has one of those blue line stickers or the Punisher skull with the blue line

I don’t know what to say to that. I’ve lived in Michigan, Georgia, Ohio, and Nevada, and visited 40 other states, and I’ve seen it everywhere. Maybe you aren’t looking hard enough. 

You don’t find it the least bit ironic that they “RESPECT THE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS” but don’t respect the laws they are sworn to uphold?