
Here's a radical idea: buy a Zojirushi and save yourself all this bullcrap.

Looks like a typical Wednesday night at Denny's in East Oakland.

Stop making Rolaids lattes and start drinking reasonable coffee.

Caffeine dependency is the greatest pantywaist addiction conspiracy white collar America has conceived in the past 20 years.

Let me get this straight. Lifehacker is telling us how they can do custom mod hacks to their lives by using a coffee grinder now.

Who needs any coffee when all that matters is the machine?

Yay. You win a gold star. Hope your fridge enjoys it.

Low-acid coffees have been on the market for years already. Really, the people who funded this research should be taken in the back and shot for misuse of funds.

I prefer to roast my own coffee instead with bamboo stalks and the heat of my fermenting feces.

@Randomeis: Why are you nut jobs always pulling your Born Again Christian acts on the rest of us? Nice for you, but keep your own problems with self-control to yourself, please.

Don't they publish this same post every year?

How about taking it to a knife sharpener? Works much better.

Yeah, right. Ghetto pods. Beware when people sell you edible products where their devices create a sub-market that mimics that of the ink jet printer world.

I second joeny1980. If you cannot afford a $2 milk frother, you have much bigger problems than your milk froth. #food

Just get it with the date and avoid the plastic antics. #coffee

Next from LifeHacker: how to make toast with your car engine.

What a completely idiotic way to ruin your espresso machine.

Also, Kyle: you just valued your own time and convenience at zero. Remember that the next time you pay someone to change your car's motor oil.

Yeah, and turn over all your financial records and passwords to Mint. I don't think so.