If he hadn’t been born rich, he’d just be that creepy guy on the IT helpdesk in the office everyone avoids interacting with as much as possible.
If he hadn’t been born rich, he’d just be that creepy guy on the IT helpdesk in the office everyone avoids interacting with as much as possible.
Scalpers truly ruin everything these days, it’s such a huge bummer. As someone that’s collected import Japanese figures from different series and manufacturers for years it’s a bummer to see the scalpers reaching so many new kinds of product and properties these days, nothing is safe.
It annoys me that online merchants STILL haven’t figured this shit out.
Oh the list of things that’ll probably kill me at this point is so damn long that if you printed them all out and put the printout in a pile, then the pile falling on me would kill me.
Why, protect them from not being able to reach the culmination of womanhood and become mothers, of course!
The real bad thing is that scalpers buying everything basically promotes preordering. Which leads to things like preorder bonuses, leading to preorder dlc exclusives, leading to on-disc day 1 dlc, and the spiral continues downwards with bad practices.
Scalpers need to get scalped. Like literally. With a hatchet.
People with money don’t really care about the market they’re encouraging, they just want the goods.
You might as well tell people to stop buying homes or renting apartments at inflated prices because it’s fucking up everybody else’s chances of ever getting a decent price on a place to live.
The best way to combat scalpers is to encourage fans to stop buying their shit.
This isn't going to change until governments crack down on the act of scalping. Until that happens, and the more brazen scalpers act the more governments have been taking notice, these assholes are going to ruin things for everyone else.
I'm straight up so tired of scalpers ruining everything. Lure these people into meeting up then beat the shit out of them.
Obvious solution is to overprint them like they’re baseball cards in the 90s.
$50 did briefly become more common during the transition to CDs, but $50 in 1995 is still $100 today. There have always been games above and below the typical sale price, but acting like game prices have exhibited any kind of steady climb when someone 30 years ago would find todays game prices typical of their time…
Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well.
I think a lot of the (understandable) knee jerk opposition people have to calls to defund or abolish the police has to do with the misapprehension that police exist to protect individuals or that they are part of the mechanism for serving justice. Protection and justice are not what the police are for, no matter what…
Yeah, you’d struggle to get any two economists to agree on what does and does not constitute these laws. They’re more or less just marketing terms granted credibility because someone published a book with it as the title.
Immutable laws and economic laws eventually intersect. The heat death of the universe will not cause an irrational bubble in the local markets. You can go ahead and quote me on that.
I know I’m a dummy who doesn’t understand “economics” but I think maybe I understand more than some would like to admit, including the fact the laws of economics are entirely made up and are not immutable laws like gravity.
Welcome to supply side voodoo economics!
Nobody was confused and the “angst” was justified anger, you knobs.
Between these guys, WotC and all the things like car manufacturers’ trying to make formerly included amenities like seat warmers a subscription, the new “future” of bleeding us dry to feed shareholders and investors is here, or at least if we let it…