
Just about any Hollywood or Broadway actress from across the years would be able to tell you (and give you no number of personal stories) that people have always been this way, and that the only difference is that we’re hearing it about it more often and more quickly.

Yes. The root of “fan” is “fanatic” after all.

People do get wierd about celebrity, I think they always have since it’s manufacture.

I’d actually answer that question with “both”.

“Were people always this weird about entertainers,”

That’s the sick part of this — no help is coming, so you’re expecting someone like that to get help, when the only real “help” is a bullet to the head, beforehand.

This. All day, everyday this. Organised religion has done more harm, caused more conflict, generated more separation and division than any other force in human history.

Organized religion is a cancer on the human race.

Fuck religion. If you’re an adult who believes in fairy tales, then your opinion doesn’t matter.

Well, they seemed to leave that part out, for some reason. The reason they are going bankrupt is they got bought out, and the new owners took out a huge loan and then gave themselves the money and Insta Pot the debt. Same thing that killed Toys R Us.

Its too easy to just dismiss her with attacks on what seems like weak mental capabilities, she is calculated and saying and doing exactly what many of the base want (the base is batshit crazy, so you never know from.oje day to the next), which is dangerous, because the base wants to exterminate anyone doesn't follow

I mean, that’s the GOP’s official stance right? So that tracks. I think they’re not supposed to say it out loud though.

Still not the craziest thing ever said in the house. but its up there.

Only here, in the fourth level of hell, would a woman like Marjorie Taylor-Greene have any input whatsoever on anything to do with the CDC. 

I’d also like to talk to you on behalf of all the pregnant women—not people as you call them.” - MTG

MTG: “Women aren’t people.”

“There is no Section G”

Now playing

Because celebrating Your First Death should always be memorable.

Republicans are the American Taliban. These people are ruthless zealots and must be stopped.

I’m not against this woman getting more charges, and I’m not strictly against more gun control, but what a dumb law they happened to have the opportunity to use against her. I’m sure it’s used evenly against all gun owners regardless of income level and race!!!