
I’d play the shit outta that. 

Knuckles’ levels in Sonic 1 were bad, but the levels in Adventure 2 were good (outside of maybe Meteor Herd) but hampered by the stupid nerfed radar.

The dominance of the white perspective is unfortunately strong, particularly since there is a major Black character and a lot of the story is set in Alabama. I don’t agree that the counterculture is demonized, though. Jenny’s hippie boyfriend is abusive, and there is a whiff of disapproval about Jenny’s free love

Are people going to start splitting hairs now over shades of black skin...

I’m old now, of course, but in re-watching this movie I wholeheartedly agree.

There was a Marvel Comics writer (now an editor) who pretended to be Japanese for a couple of years. He used a Japanese pseudonym and even gave interviews in character.

Is it though? I was watching it again recently on TV and it just leaves such a sour taste, especially in our current political climate. The cartoonish demonizing of the counterculture, the minimization of the civil rights movement, the overall sanitized, white male view of American history... it felt more

That’s the moment where you realize that he knew that all that “stupid is as stupid does” stuff was bullshit - that he never managed to convince himself it was true. It’s the best moment in the film.

Being pro-military/pro-police and pro-small government is an entirely incoherent ideology, but that’s where we’re at I guess.

i occasionally yell out “i wanna take you for a ride, dunna dunna dun dun dunna dunna.

While this is true — and a friend of mine in prison’s greatest hope (before she was released) was to fight fires so she could be outside (and feel contributive), they are risking their lives and should be paid commensurately. 

It’s the laziest way to make a franchise game these days. Get some recognizable characters to fight a bunch of repetitive goons and have the player grind up a skills tree like a brain dead zombie.

Let’s not forget the part where someone tells Cypher “Morpheus set you free!” and Cypher retorts that they all have to live on an uncomfortable ship, eat terrible food and do whatever Morpheus says, and that cannot be called “free” in any sense of the word.

I just wanted to say thanks for this article, and thanks providing links about the games history.

I wanted a PC just to play this game when I was like 14. I couldn’t wait to grow up and get a credit card so I could play this game. By the time I got a PC and CC, it had shut down. lol

Well an intelligent and compassionate government would put laws in place to make sure people are paid and business can stay closed long term until the virus is mitigated.

The problem here is that I’ve never, not once, encountered any company that addresses sexual harassment in any meaningful way without substantial legal intervention.  Even then, however, the precedents set by our injustice system favor the predators and abusers because the laws are passed by people who would be forced

The “heir and spare” thing is undeniably gruesome. It’s setting the younger kid up to either be a total ne’er do well or a sociopath who shouldn’t be trusted behind his older brother at the head of the stairs.

I’ve never understood American’s fascination with the windsors. The very thought of birthright entitlement in the 21st century is abhorrant. It doesn’t matter if the titles carry no real power. It’s not charming to be born with government-funded wealth and title. It will be interesting if Australia becomes a Republic

man i couldve told you that years ago. in high school late 90s i spent my damn nights and days playing diablo on battlenet. im socially fucked up and have no idea how to talk to people. now everyone is like me because from even younger ages theyve grown up not knowing how to really talk to people and treat them. were

Just to put this in perspective for folks who haven’t been covering this: imagine if just before going into the NBA playoffs we learned that 4 out of 5 starters on every single team entering the playoffs had abused minors, as well as 100% of the coaching staff.