
LW#1, your “wife” wanted to have that one last meeting in the hopes that she could convince the other dirtbag to leave his wife and family so she could do then same. He turned her down and now she’s going back to the safer choice. Dump her and avoid years of pain and misery. 

I’m really looking forward to the nuanced take on his passing and legacy that Deadspin will post tomorrow. Oh wait. Shit.

If you read that whole article and couldn’t smell the stench of coordination, you need to blow your nose. Take that ridiculous “four sources” angle that any decent journalist would have seen through. I’m sure Warren’s people ran that bullshit by the CNN staff first to make sure it wouldn’t get laughed off like it

Coincidentally? How naive are you? This stunt by the Warren campaign was clearly coordinated with the CNN staff and timed to coincide with the debate. Matt Taibbi did a good write-up of the whole sleazy affair. There was nothing coincidental about any of it.

This is the pinnacle of pointless discussions about a petty thing. Who gives a fuck if Bernie said that, he is still infinitely less sexist than 45 or Creepy Uncle Joe. You really have to wonder what CNN is doing. It is almost as if they want Drumpfolini to win so that they can have another 4 years of chaos to drive

I’m holding out hope that Oliver-as-Spectre gives Diggle his ring in the Arrow finale.

One nice touch I noticed near the end is when they show Earth-96 (Routh) Superman again, he’s got the yellow back in his costume, implying his Lois (and other friends) didn’t die in his new reality. He got a happy ending.  :)

Indeed. Andy Ricker’s Pok Pok restaurant failed in LA because he came into town trying to tell everyone who had been eating really good Thai food that his take was much better.  

Not quite. The message is the story of Muhammad but the perspective is from his uncle and adopted son. Because of the rules against showing the prophet its mostly a movie about guys talking about what some other guy said or did. It makes for a movie that is makes you think “I’d rather be watching a movie starring

You have an indoor oven that can get to 700-800F?

Good cheese and sauce makes more of a difference than the dough.

have you played Sonic Advance? It was how I thought Sonic should always have been really. Go fast, look cool, then a boss fight. Play as Knuckles. that kinda thing.

How is this a complex problem? Pay more or fuck off.

Except working in fast food actually does require skills. Knowing what to cook and when is a skill. Making sandwiches quickly and accurately is a skill. Keeping your cool during a rush is a skill. And not just anyone can be trusted to reliably show up for their shifts on time and sober.

“I was a great dismay to many girlfriends,” Kuntz said.

The only thing here I don’t believe.

Yeah, lord KNOWS you can’t spare the time to read something and become informed and develop a worthwhile opinion. Chalk it up to “negative nancy articles.”

Didn’t he by most reports bully his co-star off of Castle and got the show cancelled as a result? 

Wasn’t Nathan horrible to Stana Katic? 

I think women who go in for police work are insane, frankly.

Nah. He vaporized a carefully planned right-wing scandal campaign, made sure he was replaced by a popular Senator who’s voted essentially the same way, and let every Democratic Senator point to their exacting ethical standards.