
I seriously doubt this guy is going to loses much work over this. He didn’t assault anyone, he didn’t abuse anyone. At best he aggressively pursued young actresses while being in the spotlight - something that’s much easier to get away with when you’re a largely nameless producer or other Hollywood hanger on.

having had tons of friends who were fucking older guys when we were in college: there’s no way she didn’t have bare minimum of 3 friends who told her she needed to cut this guy off. People make their bad choices and have to learn to live with them. Social media makes people think that every slight can be publicly

There’s a disturbing trend with some women to only acknowledge their autonomy as adult human beings when doing so works in their best interest and to ignore that same exact autonomy when it doesn’t.

No more chalk, fire next time

yeah it feels pretty clear here that this dude shouldn’t be on sets with women under 25, and I’m skeptical he treats older women much better either

yeah this trend of saying adults can groom adults is just...it doesn’t make sense. We have terminology to define that kind of manipulation...it’s manipulation! You are an adult and you let another adult talk you into stuff you didn’t want to do!

Not saying this dude isn’t a creep but how are we all supposed to litigate two adult women inviting a creepy man to their parents house

I love Luc Besson, I love Bruce Willis, I love Gary Oldman

no it didn’t

Evagora I’m sad to see go but Briones never did it for me. She’s an okay actress but her characters are just so boring

I really was rooting for this rumor to pan out but there’s a part of me that wonders if Cruise probably didn’t just ask for a bit more than marvel was willing to pay for a one-off appearance

I would like to see wanda again. Her first character seems to be learning to embrace and control her power, would love to see her next one having her reorienting herself as a hero

Rumor mill (which I read too much of!) is saying that Watts stepped back because Krasinski wants to direct and Feige wants to make that happen.

I kind of just assumed that this Inhumans was canon to Earth 838. I’m honestly shocked that of all the rumored illuminati members, black bolt turned out to be real (I was really holding out hope for Tom Cruise Iron Man)

how often do you see ads on the tv/radio/movie theaters trying to get people to invest in the stock market

A lot of people keep saying this but nobody is actually acting like it’s the case. If we’re really just a bit away from the abolition of fundamental rights and a rolling back of social protections for non white people...why do people think the best way to solve this is waving a few signs at a protest and then voting

but the the weird thing about this is that there’s not actually a shortage of bodies to throw in capitalism’s maws: there are people literally walking thousands of miles for a chance to work a shitty job in the state while being at constant risk for arrest

They’re okay? I tried the shrimp one and didn’t find it any better or worse than any other cup noodle I’ve ever tried. A bit underflavored actually

honestly the best way to cook a hot dog is split down the middle and griddled

Maybe it’s a socialization thing but in general I do usually feel the urge to hand someone money for a prepared hot dog. I’ve tried the various hot dog offerings in chicago and they’re fine, but I’d rather just eat any even the worst mexican spot in that city than the best hot dog place.