
I’ve been doing keto since october ( + going to the gym 3-4 hours a week = I’m down 49 lbs and four pant sizes, it fucking rules)

but...Godzilla 2014 sucks a lot

someone should ask her dad why she doesn’t have any black friends

why no leavened bread? humans have been eating leavened bread pretty much from the moment bread was invented give or take a few days to get a yeast culture going 

it seems strange to me that they’d get rid of guns but leave the entire set of characters who are racist.

man, going keto right before winter has caused me to miss out on some of my favorite soups involving ham bones - split pea! lentil! sos pwa (haitian black bean soup)

“washing meat” is a big thing in a lot of parts of the afro diaspora. My family is haitian, for example, and my swears by “washing” her meat - essentially dipping it all in a salted-vinegar brine. It’s completely unnecessary. 

that movie was dumb as hell with some really great jump scares stitched together - I had so much hope after the opening and it just falls apart by the end

I really do not like that these podcasts are becoming tv shows. I kind of wish they’d just stay podcasts?

Part of the problem is the lack of a robust comics journalism that’s able to hold the industry to any kind of standard.

is batman killing people (namely the joker) really any worse than starfire burning people alive constantly?

is batman killing people (namely the joker) really any worse than starfire burning people alive constantly?

Hunk of salted something usually fixes it up - whether its pork, an anchovy, miso, etc (I always through a piece of pork fatback in my lentils for example)

def gonna give the 6th day and interview with a vampire a rewatch 

my dad’s been recovering from a stroke for the last year and he’s got REALLY into supernatural. When I was home for the holidays he was on the season where....Sam loses his soul. There was an episode with fairies/UFOs I liked quite a bit

God, getting Routh in a suit would be amazing. It doesn’t even have to be the dumb one he wore in Returns either

why even buy smash if you won’t play with items on

every time I tell someone I’m not having kids because of climate change they look at me like I’ve grown an extra head

Not yet. The only reason BL isn’t a part of the arrowverse is because the show shoots in Atlanta instead of canada

I can understand someone being a trump supporter (even though I obviously have feelings about that)