
nagle and her ilk are white supremacists and the entire reason shows like Chapo Trap House exist is to launder her views into america’s “left”

Someone on twitter said it best: praising pinochet is what people do when they’re too afraid to praise hitler

I think I missed out by trying to watch this as a depressed 23 year old instead of 13 year old. This show bored the hell out of me and I quit around episode 10. 

“At some point, we—the collective we, as a society and nation—need to accept that no amount of brining or basting or seasoning or USDA organic certifying can make up for the fact that turkey is a finicky meat that is hard to prepare without some part of it becoming an overcooked, dry disappointment masked in gravy.”

banning folks from using the e-shop seems pretty harsh 

completely forgot katana was in this movie

I mean, what would you say to your ignored bastard? 

I wonder if trump made her sign an NDA


I am a staunch prison abolitionist and the stuff I’ve seen inside of prisons and heard from inmates has only deepened that stance

having just finished POI, that gives me an even deeper appreciation for his role in this show

Nope! Just posted about this. I thought it was real dumb when I watched the first season, dumb as Continuum

Man, travellers was such a dumb bad show in the first season that I watched just to kill time

I still hold tight to the “Giovanni is Ash’s dad” theory

Nashville is giving these fucks 15 million. The state of Tennessee is giving them 85.

I’ll be honest, I have a hard time accepting most pokemon outside the first two gens (GOLD will always be in my top ten favorite video games - I cannot really describe the awe I felt when I beat it....and then discovered I could go to Johto and fight the old gym leaders again!)

def an angle I’ve never seen here. In another world (monica’s ideal world) her affair with bill never would’ve been discovered and would’ve just been something she mentioned in a late in life memoir (probably timed with that reality’s version of hillary clinton kicking off her presidential run) while she went on to do

this is kind of what fucks me up about the situation? how naive she was about the whole thing. I know we’re going “but she was 22!” but if she had talked to any dude around her age about the affair I guarantee you not a one would’ve said “yeah, sure. this will go well for you.”

Honestly his big transgressions (with the conducting of the affair) really seem to be doing in the fucking white house and not caring where he got his jizz

I don’t think we can really discuss stan’s public anti-racist proclamations with the very real culture of racism that was (and lets be honest...might very much still be) a part of Marvel’s culture.