
Pratt’s advantage was building up his fan base as fat and lovable so when he made his pivot to superhero blockbuster star people were rooting for him. Scott? Great funny guy but he’s never been in anything that’s set the world ablaze


Ever since I heard about this show I’ve been asking myself “who the fuck is this white dude and why isn’t wayans at least sharing the spotlight with someone as famous as he is”

I’ve got plenty of middle eastern friends so I know I’m saying hummus wrong. I don’t care tho.

I work at a call center now for a big corporation now and occasionally the cops call wanting to get information about one of our users. You’d think I said I’d fucked one of these guys moms raw in front of their dads when I tell them they need to provide a subpoena to obtain their information

Man, I haven’t watched this show in years. This and Misfits used to be a double-whammy of british superpower goodness

The finale definitely took an obvious left turn but otherwise I really enjoyed this show. Sandra Oh is bae and I’m glad that so many folks were able to come together and show the world that

“That doesn’t change my view at all... You are silent on all black issues, Drake.... You don’t stand for nothing, you don’t say nothing about nothing.” He added, “You have all the platform in the world. You were so passionate back then? No you weren’t. That’s number one. That’s what I know.”

this was gonna end up blowing up in their faces

It’s always been clear that people ate pokemon - the question is which ones? Are people more okay with roast farfetched and milktank burgers but react to bbq pikachu the way we would to roast squirrel? or dog?

28. I’ve started this game many times (usually via emulator) and to my shame I’ve never even gotten to when Crono dies. I just lose all interest in the game

There was a whole uproar about this a while ago. It seems like she is not the first celebrity he has ghostwritten for

I can’t believe this is still a debate

Good thing whattaboutism doesn’t apply here! As the polices of the Obama era directly lead to all of the fuckery happening now

Obama helped transfrom ICE into the massive monstrosity it is, you can’t really begin to break down the horrors being enacted by the Trump admin without addressing that fact and the attitudes and ideologies that kept those abuses so hush-hush for Obama’s 8 years.

neither do the Dems my guy

It’s because the government is trafficking these kids. Lloyd wanted that kid born so they could be snatched away and sold off

I wish folks had been as mad about this during the Obama years

I think these fears are still entirely budgetary. Networks have a penchant for cutting the budget of successful shows and asking them to do more with less. Imagine setting the bar high with good effects in your first season being given half the budget to do the same for your second?

My hope is that it’s more Heroes than Heroes Reborn