
honestly the only thing that would make more sense is his family fleeing without him and trump holding up in Trump Tower. He doesn’t seem like a runner to me, he’s not smart enough to see the writing on the walls

The wine I made in my closet the summer after freshman year from welsh’s grapefruit juice concentrate, pizza yeast and a metric fuckton of sugar

My dad has been swearing up and down this is gonna end just like the Duvalier presidency - Trump fleeing with his family after looting the nation - so him declaring himself President for life would fit well in that spectrum of behavior

I think that in this specific case, where we’ve got a black woman alleged that she was sexually assaulted and a bunch of other woman jumping out to say “and he was a dick to me too!” should be something we look at and deal with very carefully

Georgina knew! If the very same whisper networks hat spread the sordid details of her husband’s behavior are to be believed - not to mention that rumors of their “split” may also have been greatly exaggerated.

funny cause all this photo shows me is how bad a choice cavill was

right like if people want to say it represents a pattern of behavior, fine...but it seems like the experience of this black woman is being shouted down by these non-black women who all have a bone to pick for unrelated reasons

am I the only a bit uncomfortable that him yelling at some people a few times is getting folded into the convo of him sexually assaulting a student?

nah that was a pretty weak stinger

Really hoping we get Avengers: Acts of Vengeance as a title but that’s probably just me

A coworker asked me if I wanted to play in an all gnome game and I immediately went home and rolled a gnome bard

I went and saw it at 10 AM, crowd full of super serious nerds. Theater was silent besides gasps until the end. It was the ideal filmgoing experience.

Yeah my only big issue of contention is that I reeeeeeeeeeeealy wish Homecoming 2 wasn’t already on the slate

That shit made me so happy.

Man. Currently lucky to have a job with great insurance but if we don’t choose to have a kid while I have this policy we probably never will. Fuck a 20k bill

I wonder if I could even get 10 games. Ocarina of Time, Episode 1 Pod Racer, Majora’s Mask, Perfect Dark, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Stadium 2....

Tequila Tonic is better than all of these drinks

Cap’s last line destroyed me.

I kind of begrudge that both the v2.5 and 3 and over a hundred bucks. Might have to put the money away and get myself a little treat for my birthday

I’ve always hated the Klingon wigs of TNG but damn these good