
I know it’s gross to think about but I feel like of everyone accused so far, CK has the best chance to make the apology comeback tour. There’s be probably a PR person pitching it to him right now

Always loved this character

Don’t forget about Evil FutureTeen Jean, she’s still around somewhere! She can be their villain

Like the costume except the headpiece (always hated the open face/open hair headpieces)

yeah I’m not sure why “denial as proof of guilt” ever became something anyone has ever touted. If someone accused me of something I didn’t do I sure as fuck would deny it too.

2018: staggering number of celebrities flee the country as america slides into total collapse


If you follow celeb gossip it’s pretty clear the Mariah accusations are being fabricated by her sleazy old embezzling manager

I’ve made a lot of pizza dough and I’ve never heard of this

It depends. I definitely don’t do a pre-poop standing piss every time I poop, but it’s definitely happened. Like when I’m not drunk I’m still good on my feet but drunk enough I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep on the toilet.

This would’ve made sense years ago, now it seems like a waste of everyone’s time. The only thing bendis really brings to the table is his diehards

it sucked

the world doesn’t need any more of bird’s beautiful, libertarian wet dreams. Give it to taika or peyton reed or the duffer bros

good, he’s always been awful as captain cold to me

Agree about the gags completely. They didn’t even get room to breathe since there were so many

Hard agree. I smoke a turkey whenever I’m home for thanksgiving and it really is a breeze. It’s laughably easy to do multiples! The year before last my uncle came over in the morning with a seasoned turkey cause he knew he’d want extra at dinner

I sous vided two broken down turkeys last year following the chef steps method and they came out beautifully. Even finished all the bits differently- breasts got a pan sear, wings got oven roasted with cranberry BBQ sauce, thighs got smoked on the grill and the drums got fried and slathered in cayenne and spices to

Here she is again pushing this revisionist history of afrofuturism - an aesthetic born out of the diasporic experience. Africans on the continent weren’t removed from their culture and history the way the rest of us were.

This is a a big factor that I think really goes unnoticed

Agree. Using mudd as the villain was a terrible mistake I’ve