
Jon Lovitz was also omitted.

First of all calling her a bitch makes you sound ignorant. Don't do that.

Oh yeah, she totally said that right before giving her white power salute.

Her voice was there but her delivery seemed schmaltzy to me. Good singing, bad acting.

Maybe you're looking for PA to say something wrong because you called her out for not being witty to some rando telemodel on the red carpet and then she turned around and made this awesome speech. It seems pretty obvious at this point that she had other things on her mind than amusing the public on the way in.

Okay. Kinja is not letting me edit so sorry for the multiple posts. I liked Gaga's rendition but it did sound a tiny bit karaoke to me. Like mimicking? You could tell she was a bit out of her vocal comfort zone. It didn't sound effortless like Andrews. She also backed off the end there. Still great performance.

I found Glory to be excruciatingly boring.

I didn't mind her in the first season either. I mean, I sort of understand what people find so annoying about her but I also think it's what makes the character very realistic. The one I absolutely can't stand is Daya.

Look, I fully get how awful it is to be harassed and objectified. But please also understand that the other side can suck too. When someone says "This experience hurts and is painful for me," it's pretty presumptive to insist their feelings are wrong, they don't understand, they shouldn't feel hurt, or to "count their

I'm probably the only one but I like Piper.

Music snobs are already mad. This just adds to their I-like-music-more-than-you soundtrack.

Your dad's friends like Pavement? Your dad's friends are cooler than my dad's friends.


*shrugs* mine was decent. I mean, I've had better, but it was fun. I did two things our friend Ansel didn't:

I would think Charlie Hunnam knew 50 Shades would make money, he just wasn't willing to risk his career over it. I mean has Robert Pattinson done much since Twilight?

if dakota had seen jezebel's article about charlie hunman's butt, she wouldn't be this fucking breezy

i am absolutely part of the problem, at times. i don't want to (and actively don't) appropriate- but NA patterns and beadwork and aesthetic is gorgeous to me. see also, traditional chinese aesthetic, japanese aesthetic, and indian aesthetic. i am a white woman with a ton of racial and economic privileged, and i

Selma is competing for Best Picture - there's really not much else to bring up but whether or not she thinks it holds up as art, as history, etc. With individuals, there is more leeway to bring in other elements, including career achievements, what she knows of the actors offscreen, etc. If DuVernay were nominated as

Call Me Maybe is STILL my ringtone. #noshame

You know who has really great skin? Beck.