
Or you could cut it into 2 or 3 pieces. I always think it's funny that ppl act like your options are to take out all of the good stuff or make it smaller. You don't have to eat everything on your plate if you know it's too much food for one meal.

cheese does not add as much flavor to most foods as we think it does

I totally disagree! Their meat in and of itself is delicious enough to fulfill fast-food cravings for me, and their tacos are still good with black beans, peppers and onions and a choice of salsa. Can I make my own tacos at home that are just as good and probably healthier? I can, but that takes for fucking ever. The

Anything that brings someone happiness, by definition, cannot be unhealthy. I bet the gains people get from lowered stress level more than offset the heart attack risk—-Julia Child lived to 92 on rich French food, after all.

I've been working a long time now in some kind of 9 to 5 fashion, and frankly I doubt I'll ever find a job I truly "enjoy." I tolerate my jobs because they give me money so I can support my family and have my hobbies. Other than that, a paycheck is a paycheck. I find it obnoxious how we're supposed to chase the dragon

I love to cook. I'm rather good at it. My family has been pushing me to go to culinary school and make a career out of it for over a decade. I always tell them I like cooking far too much to ever make a job out of it. The quickest way to sap all of the joy out of something is to have some jackass telling you how,

Now playing

I can never hear Higher Ground without thinking about this movie masterpiece.

The point is to shit talk something just because it's popular.

As a former college athlete and current coach, I can tell you that if you work out to the brink of exhaustion everyday, you will injure yourself. A proper workout plan includes light days, varied exercises, and heaven forefend, off days. I understand this interrupts your public dick measuring, but you're giving shitty

As someone who has a FitBit (gifted to me to help me out!) and is currently trying to get into better shape and take better care of myself, you are an asshole. This legit keeps me accountable, and is not as annoying as trying to carry my phone every. damn. where. Come down off your high horse. Damn.

I'm a fitness instructor at a YMCA and I wear one as do many other instructors and athletes. We are always challenging each other and our members to incorporate more activity into our daily lives and these devices can really help with that. After all, sitting is the new smoking. :)

After I got my said fancy gadget, I have been more motivated to go to the gym now more than ever. Im sure it has done so for others. Let's not generalize us gadget holders as I don't think you would like to be generalized in whatever category you're from.

I think I'll wait for Kara's judgment, as this sounds more like being an asshole to me.

I'm sure you have enough muscle from patting yourself on the back. No one is judging committed atheletes, but not everyone has the time or will to be one.

Whatever. It may not be totally accurate but the $50 I spent on my fitbit was worth it. It 100% shames me into walking more. Judgemental numbers do so much more for me than they should. Do whatever works for you. All I know is that getting to the step goal becomes an obsession with users and it gets you moving more.

The ONE freaking celebrity couple I actually like. Take that Kanye and Kim!

It's my first solo V-Day in 12 years. And honestly, it's sort of a relief. It's possible that I could be repressing and avoiding feelings, but who knows. Slept in, worked out, ate pickles, and gonna hang out with the fur kids and read/watch a movie/bourbon it up. Sometimes the thought of possibly being alone for the

DiCapRihO is better than RihCaprio

Here's the biggest lie/deception that I ever perpetuated on my parents ...

Sometimes two famous people enter into a business marriage that makes them both superstars. When this happens, one might get angry with the other for blatantly acknowledging his side piece and ruining the whole charade. Nothing to do with emotional or sexual jealousy. This is about bank.