
He’s totally kidding. Ken Jennings is actually hilarious.

It was fine, but I was kind of confused at the insane praise it got. It wasn’t THAT good, people.

Preach! I like Taylor well enough, but she completely started this (in the public eye, at least). And I feel like nobody is acknowledging that! I don’t understand why Katy is supposed to know better at 30, but it’s okay that Taylor’s pulling this petty shit at 25. They’re both too old for this nonsense, and as a true

Sean wasn’t that bad! He was from the wrong side of the tracks, but he had a heart of gold and all that. I support your crush wholeheartedly. Then again, I liked Craig, and we all know how that ended up...yikes.

My mom told me not to either, and I realized years later it’s only because she didn’t - she didn’t HAVE to, because she is the least naturally hairy woman ever. I think she honestly didn’t realize hair grew on thighs too. I’m not particularly hirsute, but like...come on, Mom.

THANK YOU. I hate the “be confident in yourself and men will fall at your feet!” line of thinking. 1) It’s not that easy, because men (shockingly) do not act as a monolith. 2) It’s telling everyone who’s not confident in themselves that it’s THEIR fault they’re single/not constantly attracting men. Confidence is not a

I was watching with my mom, one of our finest bonding moments. Incredible TV.

Kate Moss is and always will be my favorite model. She is the definition of cool.

Shock me, shock me, shock me with that deviant behavior.

That’s her talking, look up interviews of her speaking English - her accent is pretty slight. Exciting casting!

Isn’t that kind of how GoT always is, though? And then all the action happens in the penultimate/final episodes of the seasons?

Hollywood, can we stop pretending Natalie Portman is a good actor? This misconception hurts my soul.

This is perfectly written. And this is coming from someone who has watched Pretty Wild a hundred times - it is my favorite one-season trainwreck reality show aside from NYC Prep. You did good, Bobby.

This is the most bullshit thing ever. I’m so mad.

I agree - I think she was one of the best actors on the show, and was pretty much the only character who wasn’t a total stereotype by the end of it.

Yup. I hated my nose when I was a teenager and begged for a nose job (I went to a Catholic school with a ton of wealthy Italian-Americans and Chaldeans, so nose jobs were rampant), and my dad just told me that was ridiculous and I wouldn’t care about it in 5 years. He was exactly right, I don’t even think about my

MY NUMBER 1 PET PEEVE. I hate it so much. SO MUCH.

See, I’m the same age as you (and EggsBenedict) and I completely identify with being a Millennial. Sure, I remember life without the internet/cell phones, but by the time I was 12 they were definitely A Thing (we got AOL when I was in 6th grade). I came of age the same time technology did, what’s more Millennial than

The only marginally famous person who’s ever tweeted at me was Chet Haze. :’-(