
This was my experience - my parents were both raised Catholic, but by the time I was born my dad was a full-blown atheist and my mom was Catholic in guilt only. They didn't push religion on me at all at home, but the Catholic school near me was a much better school than the public one. It was pretty liberal, as far as

I mean, Bruno put in a solid effort, but Prince is still the true king ("Purple Rain" in the rain! Amazing.). Sometimes I still watch that performance when I'm bored.

All the Tupac/Biggie drama, apparently!

My dog always bothers me when I'm doing yoga. He's a short little guy, so all of a sudden I'm on his level and he feels the need to lick my face/sit on me/paw at me. Better yet, my cat has started LAUNCHING HERSELF AT MY TITS when I'm doing downward-facing dog or planks - they're hanging, so obviously they are toys.

Blink-182 and Crazy Taxi are pretty much my childhood, right there.

Yeah, I am failing to be offended by this.

This is my favorite story ever.

SAME. He was realistic, unlike every other SO on that show (except maybe Steve).

I love Aniston's. What's wrong with me.

Yeah, my picture was used on Tinder recently (someone I went to high school with screenshot it and sent it to me, I've never even DOWNLOADED Tinder), but this is way beyond that. As far as I know, they weren't emulating me and building a whole existence based off my picture (and I probably don't know them in real

I'm 5'9" and have a male friend who VEHEMENTLY insists that he is 6'0" - even when he is standing right next to me, we're both barefoot and standing up straight, and I'm towering over him. C'mon dude!

I'm with you, because think they're a complete publicity set-up. I get fake vibes, man!

I'm a straight lady who's into porn (more so than my BF), but that doesn't mean I want to bone a dude who has posters of porn stars all over his walls...that's some immature dorm room shit.

You said it much better than I ever could.

Kid Rock. ;)

Ernest Moniz is baller. He was on Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me a few months ago and was a totally good sport about his hair.

That is exactly right.

Coco Monroe is AMAZING.

I was very into this season! I thought Coven was horrendous, so this was a big step up IMO. The biggest complaints seem to be that it didn't make sense, which...no shit. It's Ryan Murphy.