Box of Cotton Swabs
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I thought it was going to be this version for sure.

It also created canyon-filled vistas just a horseback ride away.

Cinemasins are so long, I no longer need to go see movies, I just watch the Cinemasins recap instead.*

Frankly, I’d rather go the Panera next door.

Counterpoint: In-N-Out fries are terrible. Skinny and bland.

Trapped in the past, Chancellor Puddinghead finds himself leaping from life to life, putting things right that once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap that renews Freaks and Geeks for a second season.

Here you go. Sean Parker’s trying to get this off the ground, but it won’t be cheap.

Worst of all, in a repeat of one of the stupidest castings in Hollywood history, Sam Neill—an impotent Donald Duck of an actor—is playing not just a bad guy, but the baddest guy in human history.

If you go to the listing, there’s more interior shots.

Now only 45% Sharknados!

First-season bailers, unite!

This leapt to mind, for some reason.

The suit, which is equipped with five miniature jet engines mounted on the arms and back, reaches speeds of 32 miles per hour and a height of 12,000 feet.

Chekhov’s Bun

Beware the Anxiety Over Them Walking Dead, this fall on AMC!

God fucking dammit.

Ballistic: Taken vs. Equalizer

Goat Whedon!

I don’t know how to feel that that was my first thought as well.