
God. I've listened to Neu! - Neu! so many times. Such an incredible album.

I always seem to forget about Refried Ectoplasm, but there are a ton of good songs on that one. French Disko is great.

1. Margerine Eclipse
2. Emperor Tomato Ketchup
3. Mars Audiac Quintet
4. Switched On
5. Sound Dust

Agreed. Although Dots and Loops is fantastic when you're in the mood for it. Also, Cobra and Phases Group is massively underrated, IMO.

There are kind of too many to pick a top 5.

Can't buy me drugs.

Thank God for GOOD English teachers. So many of mine just kind of phoned it in and made sure we had enough vocab for the SATs or whatever.

Yeah… I know you're right. Doesn't mean it's easy. Anyway, I really appreciate the responses.

Oh I don't think it's anything like that. Maybe I'm not explaining it well, I feel like it's more that she just doesn't know what she wants. She says she doesn't feel the same way I do, but does things like this. And again I'm probably reading too much into things. Just a lot of mixed signals.

That's essentially what I've been trying to do. I moved, thinking it would be easier to move on, fully intending to not contact her again. But she keeps popping back up, her visit being the most recent example. I've been trying as much as I can to… I guess avoid her, and I realize avoidance maybe isn't the best

What if it was "let's be friends" and then constant mixed signals after that? Like… oh I don't know… her driving 700 miles to see me for a weekend, a year after I moved to distance myself from her?

I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the mood, but I really didn't engage with Grand Budapest as a film much either. It was beautiful visually, but I just couldn't really get into it.

1. Royal Tenenbaums
2. Rushmore - Second, but a very close second.
3. Life Aquatic - Because David Fucking Bowie Portuguese covers.
4. Bottle Rocket
5. Darjeeling Limited
6. Moonrise Kingdom
7. Grand Budapest Hotel

Definitely agree with that ranking. Personally, I think 1 is close to tying with 3. Even though it has its criticisms and maybe doesn't hold up, I watched it countless times when I was a younger. 3 is just great.

Wow this is super exciting. I've loved Explosions in the Sky for a long time, and I've really been getting into Eluvium. Fantastic collaboration.

There really are too many of them by now. Have to fish around for new ones, Jonah what I mean?

Damsels in Distress is fantastic.

Fake plastic tree?

Fun fact I remember reading about the cover of Elephant: the position that Jack and Meg are sitting is supposed to be the shape of an elephant's head.

I haven't seen many mentions of it, but I think their first album (self titled) is pretty fantastic. Elephant and their first album are the ones I end up listening to the most, for whatever that's worth.