
The Stranger by Camus was one of the first books I read in French. It's not terribly difficult, but it might be a bit much if you're just starting out.

Hey, beak it up you two!

The problem I had with the article was the way he lumps in all those who are merely uninterested in sports with those who are antagonizing his personal facebook feed. It doesn't follow that posting on facebook about something other than the super bowl, while the super bowl is going on, is an attack on those who do

It seemed like they were used on another commercial too, more recently. An insurance company or something?

A cluttered desk is a cluttered mind. And an empty desk is an… empty mind…

The Elementary Particles was pretty good also. I've been meaning to check out more Houellebecq. Apparently he causes a lot of controversy whenever he releases a book, in a reclusive, antagonistic-to-reporters kind of way.

It was actually kind of a weird class. We started off reading really early pre-scifi stuff that was more like, science discussions with a fiction framing device, from like the late 1700s. And then we read some Jules Verne, Planet of the Apes, Empire of the Ants by Bernard Werber, and then Elementary Particles by

There's an underlying theme about the conflict between France and Algeria, which is a pretty interesting subject in general, and I remember there being much more substance than the films. It's been a few years at this point, so I can't remember the other reasons why I liked it.

This is slightly tangential, but I'm curious how many people have read the original Planet of the Apes book. I took this French Sci-Fi class, and that was one of the books we read in it, and it kind of blew me away at how good it was. I had seen the original film once when I was really young and didn't remember it,

I was scrolling past and I read this comment as Dark Side of the Apes.

R.I.P, man. Incidentally, I just watched this movie recently, and when I watched it I felt it sort of trivialized depression. And I felt like it just says the solution to getting over depression is to simply get over depression. Meet a cute girl and your troubles are over. It's incredibly tragic that the creator,

Someday… *stares off longingly with gleam in eyes*

I told my parents I wasn't going to get a tree, so they bought me a plastic pre-lit one and are having it shipped to my apartment. This is mainly perplexing to me because Christmas wasn't even that big of a deal to our family growing up.

not at work, presumably?

You had me at gorgeous, naked French girls.

Different tastes, etc. But I thought Actor was pretty amazing. I saw her twice when she was touring for Actor and once during Strange Mercy and both Actor shows were a million times better than the Strange Mercy show. She changed up her band a bunch for the Strange Mercy tour and a lot of the songs just didn't feel

The film has an excellent soundtrack done by Explosions in the Sky, if that is any enticement.

I love a lot of songs on Lonerism, but I liked Innerspeaker a lot better on the whole. And the song, Elephant just kind of gets on my nerves.

I'd agree with this. I always got more of a Nazz vibe from them. And his voice really sounds like Lennon in my opinion.