Is this really a Jalop article? What’s next - Kim K and Kanye articles?
After the disenchantment of a full season with Honda engines, Jenson just needed to get away from things Japanese.
Well that’s a bummer, but you gotta give Nissan props for trying something different even if it didn’t work out so great. All these people shitting on it for being FWD need give it some slack. It’s still a LeMans car which means it’s an impressive piece of machinery and engineering at work. (also it can probably beat…
Love makes you do stupid things...
This may be the first true “vapor ware” when the Lucas electrics go up in smoke.
Yes. Orwell was talking about well-to-do white men losing their explosive toys. A+.
More likely to me is iinsurance rates go through roof for self driven cars
BMW drivers have no need for turn signals.
I just wish someone had written up a post on the Hellcats. They were virtually ignored by the Jalopnik staff.
Ask yourself this question after you have owned the same car for 12 years. Then you will have the answer.
Wow, you just don’t get it.
A Fiat with a specially boosted engine just for the US... What could go wrong?
Yea, my eyes crossed about halfway down that list I think.
Fuck off, dick.
Sooooo... Will these grid boys be standing around in low cut/no shirts or just normal clothes? Contrary to what some people might think, objectifying everyone isn’t the ideal solution to objectifying just women, and having a few token dudes in race team polos while everyone else is still in skirts and heels doesn’t…