
It would probably be a terrible show, but since he’s also a private pilot, I’d love to see a show of him flying to small airports and eating at airport cafes. 

NP for this one. I’m probably in the minority here, but I think there are some good looking long bed trucks. This is one that comes the mind. Also the IH C series of similar vintage looks good with a long bed.

Id go even further and give the teams a set amount of energy in whatever form they want. If they can make a car faster using hydrogen - great, diesel - great, batteries - good luck!

Another one in the if the damn thing starts and moves list, it is worth the 2900.

My inner flunked-out-of-engineering-school 20-year-old is suddenly curious about calculating the coefficients of friction for cheeseburgers.

This is true, but it’s a subset of a larger issue with burgers these days: They’re all too big.

Wow. Red wine mixed with Coke sounds like the sort of disgusting concoction a 15 year old would invent. Perhaps it is delicious, but it sounds like it tastes like vomit on the way down, as well as up.

Lol, but you already paid for the bean dip.

Their logo is the Pleiades. It really should be Ursa Major.

yes, I’ve dove on over 25 wrecks. loaded with small, medium and large fish, eels, soft and hard corals. even after a few days fish start to make it a home. -the obstacles help avoid the predators.    there have been mistakes, tires, and ships do roll in hurricanes.  but I think its  positive 

If it happens, do you call 911?

50 years from now, the perfect world of autonomy would be this:

Your arteries would be fine, though. 

This happens to some player pretty much every year.

Thought it was OPP: Other Person’s Project?  For the record, I’m not down with OPP.

That makes a lot more sense, but still funny because all I could think of when he ripped off his shirt was this:

Regina's has expanded to the suburbs, but if you get a North End Regina's pizza, it will change your life. Happened to you, happened to me.