I’m disappointed this Mom-asaurus isn’t from Texas or Florida because I love satisfying stereotypes that feed my regional prejudices.
I’m disappointed this Mom-asaurus isn’t from Texas or Florida because I love satisfying stereotypes that feed my regional prejudices.
This is the most concisely correct response in the history of this series. It is truly the bright response we needed in these dark times.
In a figurative sense, yes, I suppose a truck could make you look more appealing to some people.
Foot down. Turn left.
“Hans, I vas styling der neiu Kampfwagen prototype but all I had vas a ruler.”
Bring back Lanesplitter.
You didn’t actually insult anybody
Ok, that’s fair. I shouldn’t have made that assumption. Just for transparency, I work in the auto industry as an engineer for one of the big ones. Trust me, with the pay that the unions demand, if we want to bring manufacturing back to the states, there’s no way we can employ as many people as factories overseas do.…
WTF Ford. You sell ONE car. Should have thought about your car sales before you killed them off.
If the big 3 have proven anything over the past several decades it’s that they are agile and can adapt quickly. Also, water is in fact not wet.
The engineering that goes into developing RPM happy pushrod engines and the sciency shit behind bore and stroke and piston velocity is all interesting stuff.
I don’t like an overly loud restaurant, but usually when it does reach the level of me noticing the noise it’s because of the stupid “industrial” design ethos of all hard surfaces and open ceilings amplifying the sound. Would a few soft surfaces to help absorb some sound kill these people?
Perhaps a little off topic, but I truly loved the photography in this article. Very nice.
I look forward to future adventures in the Peloton Woman Cinematic Universe
What kind of “experts” don’t suggest a Honda Accord Sport 2.0T which is a similar motor to the Type R. Comes in a Manual Transmission and is a great family sedan and what I’d expect would be Honda reliability.