
And (as you can see, ) with front wheel drive you can have racing success AND drive in a t-shirt. Bonus comfort!!

Crack pipe.

If only I had been paying attention at the time. 

I realize this was in all likelihood a press car, beaten to submission by a phalanx of ink-stained (pixel-stained?/) wretches over the course of months. If somebody mash-fisted the fixture and put out the lamp (was it a Mazda brand lamp?, Inquiring minds . . .) the FIAT should not be blamed.

The 124 Abarth arrived on a Wednesday night with an interior light out

I’m sorry about the need for your rant.

Democracy is very, very dangerous for Republicans, especially when too many of the “wrong” people vote, especialliest when they do it on the right day. .

Have hope. Ohio re-elected lefty Sherrod Brown (although his own trade positions are as protective tariff-y as the Donald’s) in 2016. And Never-Trump Kasich was elected governor twice. And the citified counties, where a lot or Ohioans live, are solidly democratic.  

OTOH, if BMW wants to leverage sales in low-cost sedan niche, developing another product on the Mini platform makes a lot of sense. The Mini gets high marks for performance, including “fun” handling. But its throwback-ish styling is not for everybody. Being snooty about a mere fwd BMW is like me holding my

I’m surprised it’s still so easy for cruel-as-fuck assholes to get hired by police departments. This is the perfect job for a sociopath, yet I see no effort to reduce their prevalence in this profession.

Will NYC get a lot of tax revenue from this anti-human monstrosity, or did it give the space away in the hopes of unspecified future benefits like a foolish virgin dealing with a classic cad? This is not the “highest and best use” for this location, by far.

Someone teach Katie Pavlich some basic facts!!!

Swiped left.

You seem reluctant to accept the weight and authority of my opinions. What is wrong with you?

Everyone now is a “citizen journalist”, which means that the traditional barriers to entry to journalism as a “profession” (ability to articulate thoughts, knowledge of subject matter, ethics, etc.) no longer keep the Great Unwashed from being exposed to the thoughts (biases, unsupported opinions,lies?) of everybody

We’d all know. We really would.

Elon and the SEC (1st Gear, Neutral, whatEVAH!)


Your snark is acknowledged. Thank you for your contribution.

Just further fuel for my smoldering resentment against Jalopnik.