
They won’t. They quietly cheer it on. Right wing social media has been increasing its demonization of Planned Parenthood and abortion providers in general for months. Everyone has permission to be hateful on Facebook. Everyone believes their faith and the First Amendment give them the right to be judge, jury, and

Query:  How big (units sold, or total sales in dollars/euros/pounds) is this hypercar market world-wide? 

We now have more races in a year. We now have more points-paying positions per race. We now have many more points for a win, etc. So it’s excruciatingly statistically-correcting to compare him to Schumacher or Vettel or Hamilton.  But pound for pound, race for race, Jimmy Clark was the best Formula One driver of my

Asked what would happen if the city can’t secure the extra land, FCA said only: “We have full confidence in the city of Detroit.”

Mid-engine pickup?? Hell! How ‘bout a mid-engine minivan??!?!??

Looked like Chara was standing up to distribute the impending hit to the glass and wall over as much of his body as possible, and avoid having his considerable moving mass crush his elbow or shoulder. Looked like Kane should have done the same, but was paralyzed by “target fixation.”

2d Gear Subaru (something, something, problem)

With so many candidates, one can be forgiven for using arbitrary filters to make an initial culling. Buh-bye, Cory

But can it carry a motorcycle in the bed?

Making business is hard; making car business is double plus hard these days.

Late 90s Maxima, Nissan’s “4DSC” VQ V6, 6 speed stick. Nice interior.

It’s been a long, downhill slide ever since they dumped Frigidaire.

Parallel evolution

“or some Mensa member behind the wheel, the vape mist curling under his flat-brimmed cap?”

Mexico has none

As I recall, VW eventually had to fess up that they had significantly re-geared that Touraeg to drag the 474 along. It ain’t the power; it’s the torque.

That’s when objects crash, right?

Souvenir de voitures passees

Can it tow a 747?