You mean back when people travelled with things, not just apps?
You mean back when people travelled with things, not just apps?
My ‘74 FIAT 128 had the spare mounted under the hood, too. I like that car a LOT!
“Have you ever seen how much crap a baby requires nowadays?”
~180,000 miles and “needs some love.”
“Trucks don’ need no stinkin’ SAFETY!”
apple pie with a full, crimped together crust <—> latticed crust?
You did not hear me actually say that.
The auto manufacturers, including the US Big Three, were happy to build plants in China to make cars. The second tier IP problems may have been of greater concern to them, but these were not much part of public discourse until Trump started railing about “Jina” cheating on us.
I know the old “to each his own,” dismissal, and the equally widely-used “no matter how hot she is, someplace there’s a guy who’s sick of her shit” observation, but objectively Kristen Bell —> Julie Andrews granddaughter Kayti Edwards (I’ll give her the respect to use her name, not a description regardless of whether…
The “organizer” sounds like a petty-tyrannical, power-seeking pain in the ass.
Thank you. I never knew what a “cakewalk” was. However, I was astounded by how few of the musical selections I’d heard of.
I enjoyed the imaginary universe of Leave it to Beaver. I was four when it debuted. I did not live in a suburb. My family was not “cozy.” I did not really believe that show represented a “cultural consensus.” I will believe that the Broadcast 41 existed, and were sidelined, but please do not over-conflate any…
1st Gear:
So, who is massaging your left buttock?
Why 65deg instead of 60deg?
Because of the cascade of unhelpful news (non-alternative facts) emanating from the various criminal proceedings surrounding President Trump, the WH needs shiny distractions for his “base.” (<—People comfortable living in a fact-free environment). Since the “base” (<— an ironically apt label) loves targeted…
Only if you peek under its skirt. It “presents” as a Jag-you-are
The man “respect[s] the justice system.” This cannot be said of all notable Tweeters.
The SV650 isn’t great at anything, but it doesn’t suck at anything. It has a narrow rear tire, but doesn’t have (or need) lots of power to scoot. It has good torque available in the first four gears. So, as a street bike, it’s quite satisfying. And it will run all day (well, for about 170 miles, repeatedly) at 75mph…