No follow-up questions?
No follow-up questions?
Yeah. can we get back to discussing her wardrobe?
I kept my Glengoyne 21 in a klein bottle. But when I went to drink it, it was gone.
Is it too late to miss them already? I saw a TV ad for some kind of souped-up Ford crossover. O tempore, o mores!
The right pieces look to be present. And the price is in the “affordable indulgence”range. But as a Native (now ex-pat) Masshole, I’d be wary of the toll which 23 years of salt air and heavily salted roads might have exacted on what we can’t see.
The comment about tomatoes is correct. Tomatoes should taste slightly sweet, and modern agribusiness commercial tomatoes never do.
Assholes love the First Amendment when they’re threatening people they don’t like. They can’t find it when a football player takes a knee or a kid refuses to pledge allegiance to a multicolor piece of cloth.
Intrigued by the idea, I visited the TVR website, which boasts the Griffith is “British in every way.”
So, would cake be appropriate? Trite? Maybe little cupcakes decorated with icing portraits of each contributor? (And if so, would it be OK to eat your face?)
With people like Rohrbacher, Hunter and Cunningham, the California GOP deserves to be killed with fire. That’s not to say there shouldn’t be a limited-government, pro-private enterprise voice in the Golden State’s body politic. But maybe this time one that believes in obeying the law, please?
It’s the GOP’s perennial nightmare: too many voters are voting! They thought gerrymandering had taken care of the problem but it didn’t. Something must be done to curtail this out-of-control exercise of democracy.!
Formula One LOVES dictators. (Azerbaijan, Russia, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi is no paradise of human rights either) And dictators LOVE Formula One. Maybe Liberty Media will prove more sensitive to advertiser and ratings pressure in the future.
I know a lot of attorneys who are assholes. “Vigorous advocacy” is sometimes conflated with being an asshole, especially in the minds of asshole who are also attorneys. Avenatti has certainly shown himself to be a tireless (relentless? unendurable??) advocate.
I am amazed that recipes like this, which reflect a Depression-era thrifty-chic filtered through post-WW2 suburban boom-prepared food, world of tomorrow ethos, have found a place in the heart of any foodie. It is proof of the Proustian proposition of flavor-induced nostalgia. Objectively, this hodgepodge of mediocre…
“Not everyone will appreciate”
What’s the point of being a government official if you can’t mindlessly enforce rules against vulnerable populations and do-gooders?
“the LS it seems has been relegated to the backs of milk cartons.”
Dear Hungover:
You are a monster.