Pfft, that’s nothing, I've stuck people with far worse.
-Ray Lewis.
Pfft, that’s nothing, I've stuck people with far worse.
-Ray Lewis.
Seeing as I can only be brought to completion by scorching hot takes, this should be labeled NSFW.
Isn’t this kind of the saddest thing a grown man can say? “My entire life, identity, and sense of self-worth is completely tied up with a sport.” That’s not a thing you brag about, dude.
Swing and a miss
Fuck you, Deadspin. Greg Oden deserves a 4th (5th?) shot.
Millennials won’t remember this, but Warren G. Harding gave out Blow Pops and stripper-grams to every American teenager who pledged to vote for him.
Because we hear about them playing the “right” way mostly from people who aren’t either Spurs or Spurs fans.
Oh, you’re one of those people. I will, without fail, kick you out of my seat.
You are the reason it takes twice as long to board an aircraft than it should. Thanks for making life a little more miserable for the rest of us.
My impression is that its for a concussion, not necessarily hoping to diagnose a brain bleed. And while I can’t speak for him, I can tell you that as a rugby player, a minute after taking the hit that gave me my last concussion, and absolutely leveled me and left me unconscious on the field for about 3 minutes before…
I’ve never been in a combat sport, but I’ve had multiple concussions (football!) and I’ve got to say that from the stories my family and friends told me of the events, I could not have answered any of those questions except for where I was. I was in Junior/Sr High School, so those were easy questions. “At school.”
Pretty much. Kobe could rape someone and get off with a small fine. Probably no more than the cost of a fancy wedding ring
You’re right. SNL is wholly original and is the only place that could think of putting an ‘l’ on words that start with ‘in’ when referring to Jeremy Lin. That never happened in any headline on a sports page before SNL thought of it.
So if living in Vermont for years makes him an inexperienced hick, what does it make someone who lived in Arkansas for years?
Bernie Sanders, who grew up in Brooklyn, went to school in Chicago, did a stint on a commune in Israel, was mayor of a town of ~50,000 people, congressman for over 15 years, and is now the ranking member on the Senate budget committee, noted man from the middle of nowhere with no experience.
You were made for this comment section.
They’re not “called” sweaters they ARE sweaters. Do you think hockey was invented inside a climate controlled stadium?