
Maybe lawyers are urging him to keep his mouth shut for the time being?

I don’t know. Why?

Peyton is a hall of fame qb who couldn’t play dead in a western last year

Yale doesn’t offer athletic scholarships so . . . . ya wrong.

Now playing

Hot mic F-bombs are always a wonderful gift in athletic competitions.

Leeds (UK)

I actually don’t have a problem with the focus being on the criminal rather than the victims because let’s be honest here, that’s where the story is. what I want to know about is the criminal’s psychology, history, what makes him/her tick, etc. That’s what’s interesting in articles about crimes.

Neal was Alford’s assistant at UNM so it’s nice to see he learned from his mentor.

that’s the most millenial hipster shit i have ever heard

Not to be that guy, but it’s RBF: Resting bitch face.

Moments like this I realise I live in a very sheltered liberal bubble. Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video. Also, who the hell are these people? The video and song are catchy and yeah the political elements are there but they’re pretty light

Wow. If voodoo economics can’t work in Louisiana...

Worth mentioning, and something I always advocate for, is that in rugby, you have to at least make an attempt to wrap up on all tackles.

Having Timmy on the ticket could shore up Popovich’s campaign with the big fundamentalist voting bloc.

More like Uzbrickistan, AMIRITE?!?

So this is why South Ossetia wants to secede.

I wore my Birkenstocks around Europe and I got laid TWICE while wearing them so yeah, everyone can pry them out of my cold dead hands.

I will never not wear birkenstocks everyone can go fuck themselves those shoes are comfortable as fuck