For his sake, I hope so. Because when he’s around cameras, he seems like a person I’d like to punch in the face.
For his sake, I hope so. Because when he’s around cameras, he seems like a person I’d like to punch in the face.
He seems like a person, if not around cameras, that would be pretty interesting to talk to.
I like how the ad left out the F150’s far superior 260 ft-lbs of torque compared to the 4.3l’s 235ft-lbs. The 300 I-6 was closer to the 5.7l in comparision.
Tuner? When did Magnus start tuning? Or doing anything mechanical, for that matter? As far as I can tell, he slaps on paint and bits to create ugmo versions of heritage Porsches. I could be wrong...
Only in the uptight world of Porsche enthusiasts can Magnus Walker’s cars be considered “Outlaws”. His builds are so incredibly mild that it amazes me they get any attention at all.
Just a quick note: In California we call them “undocumented immigrants.” They’ve actually helped build our economy to one of the biggest in the world. Some other colloquialisms you might not be used to: “Cement Pond” is called a “swimming pool” or just “pool” for short. We typically refer to “Barrack Hussein Obama”…
People are reporting stuff. REPORTING STUFF.
I do expect them to want to get things right, and invite correction when an error is made.
It’s to the point where a black Challenger can’t even drive down the street anymore without being mistaken for some kind of criminal. These are sad times we live in.
I disagree that it’s all good all the time that money and power is given to dictatorships, corrupt regimes, human rights violators, those with oppressive labor practices, no respect for copyright laws, etc., etc.
Contrarian editorial: I like U2, and the only thing worse than:
It puts the 180 gram vinyl in the basket or it gets the vintage canvas fire hose again.
State of Kansas “You can’t make money giving rides unless you give us your name and you have insurance.” Uber “I’ve had it with you and your rules.”
* I don’t have a friend**
I’m all for freedom of making anything fast, but seriously nobody gives a shit that you modified your truck to cancel out 10,000 cars’ emissions at once when it still only runs a 16 in the quarter and will kill anybody you inevitably crash into.
I used to have the same opinion, however there are a lot of situations where a small CUV is not a bad thing at all. A lot of them are fuel efficient, incredibly easy to maneuver in snow, have great visibility, and good clearance inside for fitting large items with the rear seats folded down. While I have only ever…
The door mirrors are good for visibility in the A-pillar area (where a lot of pedestrians hang out). I really liked them on my 2006 Civic.
I’ve come around to thinking these are a good thing. They’ve moved people from giant, thirsty, poor-turning and poor-stopping BOF SUVs into something a lot more reasonable.